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我有一个真心的掌声。And I got a weclome applause.

掌声雷动。The applause thundered forth.

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掌声骤起。Applause broke forth suddenly.

当然是掌声和赞美。Applause and praise, of course.

我习惯用手势来表达喜悲。I cheer and use hand to applause.

大厅里回荡著掌声。The hall resounded with applause.

鼓掌也许对讲话者有影响。Applause may react on the speaker.

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是时侯为我喝彩了。It's time to think applause to me.

人群中爆发出掌声。The applause burst from the crowd.

他的优良品行值得称赞。His good conduct deserves applause.

让我们为他热烈鼓掌。Let's give him a round of applause.

上帝,是时侯为我喝彩了。Now it is applause to me, lord, oh.

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陈词滥调的回音。Applause is the echo of a platitude.

热烈的掌声,有如春雷迸发。Applause broke out like spring thunder.

帷幕降下,树丛间掌声雷动。Applause is sweeping through the trees.

掌声顿时如雷般响了起来。Immediately like thunder applause rang.

这位电影明星切望喝彩。The move star is ambitious of applause.

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请同学们给你们自己来一圈掌声。Give yourselves a big round of applause.

自我的人--寻求掌声及认可。The ego--seeks applause and recognition.

我们朝发出声音的地方进行一次齐射。The performance won a salvo of applause.