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出售阿道夫·希特勒的酒杯Adolf Hitler's goblets go on sale

阿道夫希特勒在西线的重大赌博不行失败了。Adolf Hitler's massive gamble in the West had failed miserably.

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“默克勒的死让我深感震惊。”他这样说。"News of Adolf Merckle's death left me deeply shaken, " he said.

这张由阿道夫.瓦格纳于1944年创作的宣传画名为“第三帝国”。This painting from 1944 by Adolf Wegener is called The Third Reich.

阿道夫。奥吉对于我的出席也感到很高兴,对我来说能见到他都是一项巨大的荣誉。Adolf Ogi was thrilled about my articipation and it was an honour for me to meet him.

艾伯特·斯皮尔的父亲也叫艾伯特·斯皮尔,他曾经是阿道夫·希特勒最喜欢的建筑师。Albert Speer's father, also called Albert Speer, was Adolf Hitler's favorite architect.

他率领他的新教徒部队与法国和西班牙的天主教部队对抗。Gustav II Adolf led his Protestant army against the Catholic armies of France and Spain.

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从阿道夫·希特勒在战争期间的别墅所处的山顶可俯视该城。The site of Adolf Hitler's wartime villa is on a peak overlooking the town. Population, 8,2'.

阿尔贝帕森斯,间谍8月,阿道夫费和乔治恩格尔被绞死于1887年11月11日。Albert Parsons, August Spies, Adolf Fischer and George Engel were hanged on November 11, 1887.

从阿道夫·希特勒在战争期间的别墅所处的山顶可俯视该城。The site of Adolf Hitler's wartime villa is on a peak overlooking the town. Population, 8,126.

古斯塔夫选择了奥地利作为目标,这条消息立刻被瑞典大使本杰明男爵带到巴赫奇萨莱。Gustav II Adolf chose Austria. The news was delivered to Bakhchisaray by the Swedish ambassador Benjamin Baron.

上周六,德国71名新纳粹分子为纪念希特勒的副手鲁道夫·赫斯举行游行活动。德国警察当即拘留了这些新纳粹分子。German police detained 71 neo-Nazis last Saturday during a march in memory of Adolf Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess.

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小说是‘森林的城堡’描述了希特勒小年时期同时还探寻了善良,邪恶这一主题。The Castle in the Forest is a fictional chronicle of Adolf Hitler's boyhood and explores themes of good and evil.

尽管在同年的二月,他已经开始接受了军事训练,这个训练也是希特勒最后绝望的试图避免失败的计划中一部分。In February of that year, though, he had already begun military training, part of Adolf Hitler's final hopeless attempt to stave off defeat.

武装党卫队在1943年7月17日下令放弃“堡垒”计划后,在几天内便从普罗霍罗夫夫卡地区撤退。It took the Waffen-SS only a few days to disengage from the Prokhorovka region after Adolf Hitler cancelled Operation Citadel on 17 July 1943.

这块安葬着阿道夫·希特勒副手鲁道夫·赫斯遗体的墓地被铲平了,以防止被新纳粹主义者当作朝圣之地。The grave holding the remains of Adolf Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess has been destroyed to stop it being used as a pilgrimage site by neo-Nazis.

古斯塔夫‧阿道夫‧施罗德当时带了一台老旧的摄影机,用黑白片记录下了「倒塌中的新建筑」乐团等的演出。Gustav Adolf Schroeder was there with some old video gear and documented the appearance of the Einstürzenden Neubauten, among others, in black and white.

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阿迪达斯发展于上世纪20年代的小家族企业。那时阿道夫和鲁道夫·达勒斯俩兄弟在母亲的厨房里开始制造皮革产品。Adidas grew out of a little family business in the 1920s when two brothers, Adolf and Rudolf Dassler, started making leather goods in their mother's kitchen.

在有些国家,绝望的公民转向民族主义煽动者,最臭名昭著的希特勒制定的阶段二次大战于1939年。In some states, the desperate citizens turned toward nationalist demagogues —the most infamous being Adolf Hitler—setting the stage for World War II in 1939.

党卫军的中队长罗胡斯.米施是希特勒内部圈子里的人之一,在任职的5年内,他充当元首的警卫、信使和电话接线员。For five years, SS Oberscharfuehrer Rochus Misch had been part of Adolf Hitler's inner circle, as a bodyguard, a courier and telephone operator to the Fuehrer.