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选择丁卡因作为内标准品。Tetracaine was used as a internal standard.

目的比较盐酸丁卡因溶液三种含量测定方法。To compare three methods of determination of tetracaine hydrochloride solution.

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方法采用分光光度法对盐酸丁卡因进行含量测定。METHODS The contents of tetracaine hydrochloride were measured by spectrophotometry.

目的研究盐酸丁卡因注射液的稳定性及贮存期。OBJECTIVE To study the stability and expiration of tetracaine hydrochloride injection.

目的制备盐酸丁卡因凝胶剂,并建立质量控制标准。OBJECTIVE To prepare tetracaine hydrochloride gel and work out its quality control standard.

用丁卡因和布比卡因进行蛛网膜下腔麻醉需要在恢复室停留6-8小时。Spinal anesthesia provided by tetracaine and bupivacaine has been associated with recovery room stays as long as 6–8 hours.

目的观察盐酸丁卡因胶浆在尿潴留患者导尿术一次性成功中的作用。Objective To observe tetracaine hydrochloride mortar on urinary retention in patients with catheterization in a one-time success.

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结论建议在前列腺增生尿潴留患者导尿术中常规使用盐酸丁卡因胶浆。Conclusion For retention in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia catheterization, conventional use of tetracaine mortar is good.

本文提出测定复方丁卡因注射液中盐酸麻黄碱含量的新方法。We describe a new UV spectrophotometry for the determination of ephedrine hydrochloride in compound Tetracaine hydrochloride injection.

目的研究盐酸丁卡因脂质体以及脂质体凝胶的制备方法,并考察脂质体及脂质体凝胶对药物释放的影响。OBJECTIVE To study the methods of preparation of hydrochloride tetracaine liposome and liposome gel and to determine the liberation of drug from them.

目的研究分泌性中耳炎病人门诊行鼓膜切开、鼓膜激光和鼓膜置管使用丁卡因表面麻醉剂的效果和安全性。Objective The aim of this study is to determine the efficacy and safety of topical tetracaine anesthesia for out patient with myringotomy and myringotomy with a tube.

实验组病人于全麻后采用利宁凝胶表面麻醉后导尿,对照组采用石蜡油。Urethral catheterization was performed under topical anesthesia with tetracaine gel after general anesthesia in observation group and with liquid paraffin in control group.

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结论该方法简便、快速、准确、灵敏度高,适用于复方庆大霉素膜中盐酸丁卡因的含量测定。CONCLUSION The method was simple, rapid, accurate and high sensitivity, which can be used for the content determination of tetracaine hydrochloride in compound gentamycin pellicles.

方法乙醇注入法制备盐酸丁卡因脂质体,研和法制备脂质体凝胶,透析法测定盐酸丁卡因脂质体以及脂质体凝胶中药物的释放。METHOD Prepare the hydrochloride tetracaine liposome by ethanol injection method, prepare hydrochloride tetracaine liposome gel by mixing method, and determine the liberation of drug by dialysis.