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典狱长马上开了一张支票。The Warden wrote a check.

我是诺顿,这里的典狱长。I'm Mr. noton, the warden.

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我告诉了她监狱长说的那些话。I told her what the warden had said.

我到达时,被领到监狱长那里。When I arrive, I was taken to the warden.

看守扔一方当事人在县监狱。The warden threw a party in the county jail.

“啊,没有,”监狱长笑道,“当然没有。"Oh, no," laughed the warden. "Of course not.

沃登先生会管理这家新店。Mr. Warden said he would manage the new store.

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那年老的理财神甫两手相握,大声说道The old warden clasped his hands and exclaimed

“啊,没有,”监狱长笑道,“当然没有。“Oh, no, ” laughed the warden. “Of course not.

他在这所州监狱任看守长。He worked as a warden at the state penitentiary.

狱长便把王尊当听差在身旁使唤。The warden put me in the side when the king who.

戴监狱长把李逵引见给了宋江。Introduced to the warden wearing a Song Jiang Kui.

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查船的在半夜时,由水保领来了。The search party came at midnight, led by the Warden.

交通督察官检查所有车辆是否遵守规则停放。A traffic warden sees that all cars are properly parked.

Michael将头转开,他明白自己不能回答这个问题。Michael turns away, he knows he can’t answer the Warden.

是的,但不会是我,也不会是典狱长。Sure it is, but not to me, and certainly not to the warden.

狱长恳求Michael给他一个答案,但Michael保持沉默。The Warden begs Michael for an answer, but Michael keeps quiet.

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你可曾目击一个交通警给你开了罚单又把它撕碎吗?Did you ever witness a traffic warden take a ticket and rip it up ?

我很高兴这只熊生活在这里,」典狱长柏尔。I love that bear being right where it is, " Warden Burl Cain said."

在典狱官看管时,监狱中有不到100个狱友。When the warden took charge, the prison had fewer than 100 inmates.