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这解释了Abu,Ghraib监狱丑闻。This explains Abu Ghraib.

阿布日达几乎没有时间来说话。Abu Rida barely has time to talk.

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你觉得阿布马赞会来吗?Do you think Abu Mazen will come?

你是指阿布格莱布监狱那件事吗?You mean the Abu Graib Prison thing?

阿联酋的石油几乎全部集中在阿布扎比酋长国。Abu Dhabi has nearly all the UAE's oil.

阿布扎比为什么不帮迪拜一把?Q. Why hasn't Abu Dhabi come to Dubai's aid?

鬼使神差的,他来到了阿布格莱比。None of it spoke to him. Then came Abu Ghraib.

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伊拉克臭名昭著的阿布格来布监狱将重新开放。Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib Prison is reopening.

阿布加尔达否认了对他的所有指控。Abu Garda had denied all the charges against him.

第一座法拉利乐园日前在阿布达比亮相。The first Ferrari Theme Park will be opened in Abu Dhabi.

阿布·尼达尔是巴勒斯坦叛徒,他于2002年在巴格达死去。Abu Nidal, a Palestinian renegade, died in Baghdad in 2002.

阿不辛波古庙是埃及南部尼罗河沿岸一村庄。Abu Simbel is a village of southern Egypt on the Nile River.

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很高兴能听到有关阿布扎比酋长国沙漠的零碳项目。Glad to know about zero-carbon project in Abu Dhabi's desert.

她描述了埃及南部的阿布辛拜勒神庙。She is describing the temple of Abu Simbel in southern Egypt.

阿布扎比向邻国注资。它会要求回报吗?Abu Dhabi bails out its neighbour. What will it ask in return?

阿布达比近年积极推广观光,与杜拜竞争意味十足。Abu Dhabi is actively promoting tourism, competing with Dubai.

而我们今天的旅行就从阿布辛拜勒神庙开始,沿尼罗河而下。Our own trip down the Nile begins at the temple of Abu Simbel.

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阿布觉得很难对八岁的儿子解释这场战争。Abu finds it hard to explain this war to his eight-year-old son.

阿布•萨拉用同样的理念创造了一种新的旅游模式。Abu Sarah uses the same concept to create a new model of tourism.

昨天据报道这一组织宣布穆斯塔法·阿布·亚齐德的死亡。It reportedly announced the death of Mustafa Abu Yazid yesterday.