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他们是勇者中的最勇者。They are the bravest of the brave.

你是最伟大的,最勇敢的。You are the greatest, the bravest.

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心灵最不戁不竦的人,也未最勇敢的人。The best hearts are always the bravest.

小郭是我所见到的最勇敢的警察。Xiao Guo is the bravest police that I see.

随之而来的便是一个名为“谁是勇者”的游戏。Then a game of who's the bravest would ensue.

即使是最勇敢的人,听到狮吼,也不免惊恐。The lion's roar will strike terror to the bravest heart.

今晚我们歌颂他,最勇敢的勇士。Tonight we sing his praises , The bravest of the thanes.

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而那些最勇敢的摄影师和摄像师们却甘冒极度的危险。But the bravest photographers and cameramen take reckless risks.

其中一个就是斯莱特林的,而他可能是我见过的最勇敢的人。One of them was Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever know.

你说对了,我确实是最英俊、最快和最勇敢的。You got that right, S. I am the handsomest and the fastest and the bravest.

谁杀了俄罗斯最优秀、最勇敢的战地记者安娜•波利特科夫斯卡娅?WHO killed Anna Politkovskaya, Russia’s best and bravest campaigning journalist?

有些时候,战斗冲突中最勇敢的表现,就是一个人可以无视的走开。Sometimes the bravest of the battle is the one who can walk away from the ignorance.

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就算你祖先里最勇猛的人也知道危险的时候不离铁卫。Even the bravest of your forebears kept his Kingsguard close about him in times of peril.

公主秘密的爱着一个在这片大陆上长的最英俊并且最勇敢的青年。The princess secretly loved a young man who was the best-looking and bravest in the land.

他要么是伊朗最勇敢的学生,要么是这片伊斯兰地域中不知世事的小丑,或者两者兼而有之。He may be the bravest student in Iran or an unwitting stooge of the Islamic regime – or both.

悲剧神话确切地对最好、最强大和最勇敢时代的希腊人意味着什么?What does the tragic myth mean precisely for the Greeks of the best, strongest, and bravest age?

潘基文说,那一天联合国失去了它的一些最好的和最勇敢的工作人员,但他们的精神遗产永存。Mr. Ban said the U.N. lost some of its best and bravest staff that day, but their legacy endures.

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村里最勇敢的人终于不负众望杀死了那头老虎。The bravest man in the village successfully completed his mission of killing the ferocious beast.

维吉利亚·哈尔是第二次世界大战期间为盟军服务的最勇敢、最成功的间谍之一。Virginia Hall was one of the bravest and most successful spies for the Allies during World War Two.

朗斯洛爵士是亚瑟王朝廷中最骁勇善战的圆桌骑士。Sir Lancelot was the finest knight in the court of King Arthur, a bravest and most skillful fighter.