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使渗析或经受渗析。To subject to or undergo dialysis.

胶原蛋白如何进行自组装?How do collagens undergo self-assembly?

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最幸福的莫过经受洗礼。The happiest is to undergo the baptism.

只有我能经历我的死亡“时?I am the only one who can undergo my death?

我的死亡只有我能经历。My death is something that only I can undergo.

老战斗机经历了现代化的历程。Old jets undergo the process of modernization.

机器也可以在控制下进行关机。Machines can also undergo a controlled shutdown.

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祂的身体不但不见朽坏,且变为荣耀。His body did not undergo decay but became glorious.

重要的是能屈能伸,并愿意接受改变。Above all, be flexible and willing to undergo change.

爱人可以风雨同舟,之后却天各一方。Lovers can undergo difficulties, but part after that.

明天将进行一天两练。Lazio will undergo a double training session tomorrow.

释比只能为男性,需经过严格的训练。Shibi are always male and must undergo strict training.

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某些胺在硝解时发生直接硝化。Some amines undergo direct nitration during nitrolysis.

发泡葡萄酒需要二次发酵作用。Sparkling wine undergo a second alcoholic fermentation.

另一种治疗方案是接受非手术治疗。Another option would be to undergo non-surgical procedures.

对我而言,接受治疗是情非得已的决定。For me, the decision to undergo treatment was a no-brainer.

窒息,作呕,因为痉挛使人反胃、想吐。To cause to choke, retch, or undergo a regurgitative spasm.

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所有安全阀门将由被许可方进行爆裂试验?。All safety valves will undergo popping tests by the Licensee.

两个自由羟基,都容易酯化。Both the free hydroxyl groups readily undergo esterification.

阿黛乐将接受手术治疗,希望能全面康复。Adele will now undergo surgery and a full recovery is expected.