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病人主诉难以忍受的疼痛。The patient complains of excruciating pain.

然而,这部电影的绝大部分都让人难以忍受。However, most of the film is excruciating to endure.

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因为长牙不应该是折磨宝宝的酷刑。Teething shouldn't be an excruciating ordeal for a baby.

起初是钻心的疼痛,直到失去知觉为止。The pain was excruciating at first, until the arm went numb.

全身虚弱,而腿痛变得很厉害。There was general debility, and pain in the legs become excruciating.

许多已经排出过肾结石的病人说,那个痛苦真是难以忍受的。Many patients who've passed a kidney stone say the pain is excruciating.

得了恶性肿瘤的器官的肌痉挛同样也很折磨人。The spasms from organs infused with cancer can likewise be excruciating.

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随后的几个小时里,他感到自己的一个睾丸疼痛无比。A few hourslater, the man felt excruciating pain in one of his testicles.

这是一个极其难以保持的姿态,但我们已经保持了有几分钟了。It’s an excruciating stance to hold, and we’ve been in it for several minutes.

他将一只干净的袜子放在伤口上,疼痛使得每时每刻对他来说都是折磨。He puts a clean sock on the wound, the pain making every movement excruciating.

而且更为麻烦的是,其中的每一个都需要进行稍许错误检查。As excruciating as it is, every one of them should have a bit of error checking.

这目录包括如施酷刑般的苦痛、破伤风、心脏传染和脑脓肿。The list includes excruciating pain, tetanus, heart infections and brain abscesses.

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当天晚上,我让背部的一阵阵痉挛折腾地睡不着觉,事实上,在随后的许多个夜晚都是这样。That night was the first of many I was kept awake by excruciating spasms in my back.

最糟糕的是,和我的蓝眼睛未婚夫伯恩之间的温存,为我的胯部带来了难以忍受的疼痛。Worst of all, sex with my blue-eyed fiancé, Bjorn, brought on excruciating pain in my crotch.

在非常罕见的例子中,注射者可能会头痛难忍达一个月之久。Users may, in very rare cases, experience an excruciating headache that can last up to a month.

数月以前,我曾在这两个国家之间乘坐了一整晚的渡轮,这是非常折磨人的一件事。Many moons ago I took an overnight ferry between the two countries, and it was quite excruciating.

他的胃经常不舒服而且胀气非常严重。His little stomach always hurt and he had excessive gas. He would scream daily in excruciating pain.

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全部三个问题我们都回答得简洁明了,避免了可能的错误。We answered all three questions without going into excruciating -- and probably incorrect -- detail.

经过两个半小时的痛苦而沉默的等待,达尔发现他的侄女还活着。Two and half hours later, after an excruciating silence, Dahl discovered that his niece had survived.

十九世纪有一位法国旅行者描述了印度王公统治时期一种极其残酷的行刑方式。A 19th century French traveler described an excruciating method in India during the rule of the Rajahs.