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我向你保证说话算数。I pledge you my words.

我将履行我的誓言。I'll fulfill my pledge.

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他决定赎回质押物.He decided to redeem the pledge.

今天是承诺的第十八天。Today is the pledge the 18th day.

他将债券作典质以获得存款。He put bonds in pledge for a loan.

我保证一个人也不会受到伤害。None will be hit, I pledge my honour.

赢得了多少情侣的山盟海誓。And obtained numerous pledge of lovers.

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她留下她的金手镯作典质品。She left her gold bracelet as a pledge.

哦,祖国,这是我们神圣的誓约。Oh fatherland, this be our solemn pledge.

可畏此门槛亘着先知古誓、Terrific threshold of the prophet's pledge

美国专家对中国减碳承诺表示欢迎。US experts welcome China's pledge on cuts.

他说,我给你什么当头呢,他玛说,你的印,你的带子,和你手里的杖。And he said, What pledge shall I give thee?

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我宣誓忠于反季节的下雪。I pledge allegiance to the wrong kind of snow.

他的自卑是他升高的凭据。His abasement was the pledge of His exaltation.

他们的财产被扣押下来作租金。Their goods were distrained in pledge for rent.

政府更承诺要将此年龄提早到三岁。This pledge is being extended to three-year-olds.

有朝一日要出海!三顽童举杯结兄弟!To The Sea Someday! The Pledge of the Three Brats!

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我留下这块手表作为借款的抵押物。I have left the watch as pledge for borrowed money.

如果可能,获得一个捐赠,一个签名,一个保证。If possible, get a donation, a signature, a pledge.

我把这只戒指送给你作为爱的信物。I give you this ring as a pledge of my love for you.