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翻转开始了!A Reversal Begins!

电流方向倒换。Reversal of current direction.

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现实中存在着古怪的角色倒转。There is a curious role reversal.

看见这里神大而可畏的翻转了么?Do you see the great reversal here?

中国股市惊天逆转。Chinese Stock market startled day reversal.

密特拉教是STO版本的反面。Mithraism was the reversal of the STO version.

这是最近发生的一次财富状况的大逆转。This is a recent and dramatic reversal of fortune.

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就业人群年龄结构的逆转初现于去年。The age reversal emerged for the first time last year.

这样做就主客颠倒了。That would be a reversal of the order of host and guest.

若能扭转这一局面,那可能对下任总统有所裨益。A reversal of that pattern could help the next president.

近来,这种趋势有了一个令人欢迎的逆转。Recently there has been a welcome reversal of this trend.

独特翻转式结构,适用于各种尺寸IC邦定。Unique reversal structure suitable to various IC bonding.

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所以,这又一是一项与布什的政策完全相反的奥巴马政策。So, yet another reversal of the Bush policies." --Jay Leno

但去年的信贷危机使得冰岛命运急转直下。The credit crunch last year brought a reversal of fortune.

拉默斯和林斯基博士称之为反向“伪善”。Dr Lammers and Dr Galinsky call this reversal “hypercrisy”.

对中国的羡慕和担忧,促使印度扭转了政策方向。Envy and fear are the motivators of this reversal of policy.

宇宙已经太满了,不允许时间反演?The universe is too cluttered to allow the reversal of time?

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这看起来好像故意跟一般评论唱离奇的反调。This will appear a strange reversal of the usual commentary.

测试结果显示,这是首例牛头犬性反转现象。Tests revealed the first-ever sex reversal in this dog breed.

这一下降趋势被打乱或发生逆转,是完全有可能的。An upset -- and reversal -- of this decline is entirely possible.