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第四,没有开拓新的青贮饲料资源。Fourth, has not opened up new ensilage resources.

青贮玉米作为饲料,具有较高的营养价值。The ensiling corn has high nutritional value as ensilage.

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其参数可作为青贮饲料收获机的设计依据。The parameters provide a basis on designing ensilage harvester.

第二,青贮饲料占可青贮原料的比例小。Second, the ensilage is taken but the proportion of ensiling raw materials is small.

青贮饲料收获机可完成对青贮作物的切割、切碎,抛送至饲料挂车中。The ensilage harvester may complete to cut the crops, to cut to pieces, to throw into the feed trailer.

随着畜牧业的发展,玉米秸秆作为青贮饲料越来越受到农民的青睐。With the development of animal husbandry, the maize straw is favored more and more by peasant as the ensilage.

丙酸处理可显著降低多花黑麦草青贮好气性腐败率。Lower lever of lactic acid and propionic acid had little effect on the ensilage fermentation of Italian ryegrass.

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本课题来自2005年农业科技跨越计划项目——“青饲收获及青贮技术与机具中试与示范”。This topic is from agricultural technology spanning plan project in 2005 called forage harvest and ensilage technology and machines experimental and demonstration.

为此,主要论述了9QS-1000型青贮饲料收获机主要参数的设计与计算及性能试验。Hence, the design and calculation procedures of the principal parameters and performance test of the ensilage harvester 9QS-1000 model have been presented in this paper.

这对于恩洛家正是为地窑准备冬储的季节,我帮着在有辛辣气味的地窑里踩踏从高处扔下来的新鲜秣草,感到非常快活。It was the season for stocking the Enlows' silo with winter feed, and I had a merry time in its pungent depths, stamping down the ensilage that pelted me from high above.

主要特点是生长快,产量高,适口性好,适宜于集约化养牛场、鱼场和大面积贮存青、干草等生产。It's main traits are rapid growth, high yield and good palatability, fit for the intensified cattle farm and fishing farm. It is also fit for production of ensilage and hay.

本文论述了圆草捆缠绕式青贮的原理,以及发展圆草捆缠膜机的必要性。This paper discusses the principle of ensilage in twining type of straw bundle cylinder, and necessity of developing the machine twining for plastic film round straw bundle cylinder.

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通过性能与生产试验表明,各项指标均达到设计与青贮饲料收获技术要求,其参数可作为青贮饲料收获机的设计依据。The production test reveals that each parameter index has met the requirements of design for harvesting ensilage and fodder. The parameters provide a basis on designing ensilage harvester.