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在高剂量的情况下,PCP可以让人失去痛感。PCP can make one nearly impervious to pain at high doses.

对尼尔的愠怒和甜言蜜语,他都无动于衷。He remained impervious to all nell's sulks and blandishments.

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堪将护巾栉,不独隔尘埃。Humphreys will protect towel comb, not only impervious to dust.

混凝土防渗墙原型监测结果及其分析。Concrete impervious wall archetype inspect result and its analyze.

在建筑物表面形成抗渗防潮的永久防水层。Impervious surface moisture in building a permanent waterproof layer.

这就使硬实种子在大豆种质保存中应用成为可能。It is possible to use impervious soybean seed to preserve soybean germplasm.

对于苛刻的温度、酸和湿度,胶木几乎坚不可摧。Impervious to temperature, acids and moisture, Bakelite was nearly indestructible.

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不透水面的增加,地表降雨-径流关系也随之发生改变。Acompanied with the impervious surface increase, rainfall and run-off also changed.

龙滩碾压混凝土重力坝采用钢筋混凝土面板作为防渗体。The reinforced concrete face-slab is adopted as impervious body by Long Tan RCC Dam.

由于学生调皮,就让学生吃大便,不可理喻。Because the student is mischievous, lets the student eat the bowel movement, impervious.

ETS早就说过它的能力考试几乎是无法仅用技巧来就可以考过的。ETS has long claimed that its aptitude test are virtually impervious to special preparation.

建筑里所有的表面都应当用不透水的材料这样可以彻底清洗。All surfaces inside the building should be of impervious material to permit thorough washing.

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他们越胖,产生的瘦素越多,下丘脑也就越不为所动。The fatterthey get, and the more leptin they make, the more impervious thehypothalamus becomes.

穿戴规定的防毒面具、防护罩、护目镜和化学防渗手套。Wear approved respirator, protective clothing, safety goggles and chemically impervious gloves.

大坝心墙防渗掺合料的生产质量是狮泉河水电站大坝质量控制的关键。Dam core impervious material quality is critical to dam quality of Shiquanhe hydropower station.

然而,某些股票和某些类别似乎对有关政府行动的任何炒作都无动于衷。Some stocks and some sectors, however, seem impervious to any speculation about government action.

所有人都觉得高级珠宝产业不会受经济危机太大影响,真正有钱人还是会用克拉数去炫耀他们的财富。The high-end jewelry industry is not impervious to economic ruin, as we thought almost a year ago.

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这种蟾蜍射出的毒液能够攻击食肉动物的心脏,但是食肉蚂蚁对此免疫。The toads emit a poison that attacks the heart of predators. But meat ants are impervious to this.

为提高高坝洲水电站二期RCC坝体的抗渗性,在坝体上游面采用防渗护面技术。The impervious facing is built on the front side of Gaobazhou RCC dam to improve its impermeability.

作为火系灵体,火精怪完全不受火焰的影响。他们处于火中,就像沐浴一般自如。Beings spirits of fire, Cabirs are totally impervious to fire. They actually like being bathed in it.