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那些罐头盒是锡做的。The tins were made of tin.

锡矿砂及其精矿。Tin ores and concentrates.

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他吃了整整一听炖肉。He ate a whole tin of stew.

加上天山雪莲配制而成。Plus the Lotus from Tin Shan.

他把空听头扔掉了。He chucked away the empty tin.

伦敦交易所镍、锡价格上扬。Nickel and tin rose in London.

允文,你怎么会在这里?Grant a text, you how tin here?

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在沙田,我一个人都不认识。I don't know anyone in Sha Tin.

这里也有一座天后庙?There is also a Tin Hau Temple?

他昨天买一听褐色鞋油。He bought a tin of brown polish.

我感觉自己就像装在鉄罐子里面的沙丁鱼。I feel like sardine in a tin can.

这个箱子是白铁皮做的还是钢做的?Is that box made of tin or steel?

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她在洋铁罐上敲出一首曲子。She beat out a tune on a tin can.

下一站系天水围。The next station is Tin Shui Wai.

锡比钢更易变瘪。Tin dents more easily than steel.

开马口铁罐头的器具。An appliance for opening tin cans.

房子都是由帆布和锡铁罐制成的。Houses are made of canvas and tin.

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他们曾在小山坡上开采锡。They'd mined the hillside for tin.

两只宠物上了那架去沙田的公车。The pets got on the bus to Sha Tin.

那听子一路颠跳着滚下了台阶。The tin can bounced down the steps.