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瘦可谓纯属虚荣。Thinness can be pure vainglory.

那一刻,我所有的自负和骄傲瞬间化为泡影。At that moment, all my vainglory and proud were gone.

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这是一项真理,它能除去人贪慕虚荣的心。This is the truth by which vainglory is put to flight.

有很多理由可以自负地看待它。And yet there are lots of reasons to see it as vainglory.

这些事都能帮助我们谦逊,保护我们不受虚荣之害。These things help us to be humble and shield us from vainglory.

你怎么可以用父母的钱来满足自己的虚荣呢?How can you expend your parents' money to fulfill your vainglory ?!

哪天为自己的虚荣送了命,他就永远老实了!Which day paid with the life for own vainglory , he honest forever!

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一切恶行几乎都是围绕着虚荣而生的。The whole immoral conducts almost is wear vainglory around but living.

他们既是全心爱慕真理及天上的光荣,世上的虚荣自然无心贪恋了。Since they do not desire vainglory , they are full of truth and heavenly glory.

她是她的原来的有肉感的自我,赤裸裸的毫无羞惧的自我。She was her sensual self , naked and unashamed . she felt a triumph , almost a vainglory.

而大人们用谎言来满足自己的虚荣,显得比孩子更可怜、可笑。But the adults satisfy an own vainglory with the lies, seem to be more more pitiful and funny than kid.

虚假光荣,真如同瘟疫,叫人远离真光荣,失去天上的圣宠。Truly vainglory is an evil plague, because it draws away from true glory, and robs us of heavenly grace.

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为了满足自己心里那点儿可怜的自尊,那点儿虚荣,就可以胡说八道,吹得昏天黑地。For satisfying pitiful self-respect of that son of oneself's in the mind, that son vainglory , can talk nonsense, blow very dark.

“这是我最轰动的公众事件”,梅特卡夫眉开眼笑地说道,他那种时而浮现的自负神情下有种潜在的魅力。“That was my greatest publicity stunt of all time,” beams Dr Metcalfe, whose intermittent vainglory obscures an underlying charm.

容貌所带来的虚荣又有何用呢?每一个月明的长夜,他都会思念起她。Does the vainglory that the facial appearance brings have to use again? Each month clear of all night long, he will start to remember fondly her.

艳俗艺术揭示了当代大众在现代拜物主义心理驱动下,亦步亦趋模仿流行时尚时,所流露出的浮华艳丽,世俗虚荣的大众审美情趣。When the public slavishly imitated popular fashion drove by the present fetishism mental, the gaudy art uncovered the public taste of vanity, flamboyance, secular vainglory.