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麦克尔揭露公司罔顾反污染法律的计划。Michael blew the whistle on the corporation's plan to bypass antipollution laws.

在汉阳,IT产业和反污染产业正以飞速发展。And in Hanyang, IT industry and antipollution industry are developing at a fancy speed.

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因此,抗污染能力成为电液伺服阀的重要指标。So, the ability of antipollution becomes the important performance of electrohydraulic servo valve.

通过对一种动圈电液伺服阀的液压桥路和具体参数的设计,提高了这种伺服阀抗污染的能力。This paper introduces the designing of a moving coil electrohydraulic servo valve which improve the ability of antipollution.

李大爷说,只知道夏天装修要防污染,没想到天凉了,装修污染也同样不能忽视。Lee Hey, I only know that summer renovation to antipollution , Unexpectedly cooler, decoration pollution also can not be ignored.

第十条固定式和移动式平台应备有由主管部门批准格式的防污记录簿。Article 10. A fixed or mobile platform shall have an Antipollution Record Book printed in a form approved by the Competent Authority.

这种热心促使他和志同道合领袖们推动清洁能源汽车技术以及其他一些反污染措施的采纳。Such enthusiasm is helping him and like-minded leaders push for the adoption of clean-energy car technologies and other antipollution measures.

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介绍了几种最新型防污染汽车的光纤传感器,概述了减少汽车排放物传感器技术的发展。Several newer antipollution car fiber-optic sensors are presented. The development of the sensor technology for reducing car emissions is outlined.

对某铜矿在矿产资源开发中造成的环境污染作了调查,并提出了防污染措施。The investigation of the environmental pollution by the exploration of copper mineral resources was made, and the antipollution measures were proposed.

尽管努力提高发动机耗油的效用,尽管越来越多的防污染设备相继问世,但是载人交通工具所排出的废气仍在与日俱增。Emissions from passenger vehicles are increasing despite attempts to make engines more fuel efficient and despite the addition of antipollution devices.

文章研制了一种新型抗污染超滤膜,结合反渗透技术成功处理印染废水。A novel antipollution ultrafiltration membrane and reverse osmosis combined membrane process were applied for in the textile wastewater treatment and reuse.

抗污性能极佳。与色糊相容性好。如需制得白色制品或浅色制品,建议使用E8无色促进剂。Antipollution excellent performance. color paste compatibility with the good. for products of a white or light-colored products, recommend the use of E8 colorless accelerator.

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环保总署有权协调和支持州和地方政府、私人和公共团体及教育机构等进行的科研活动和采取的反污染措施。The agency has the authority to coordinate and support research and antipollution efforts of state and local governments, private and public groups, and educational institutions.

介绍了铬渣的解毒机理、工艺方法及其应用,阐述了铬渣综合利用的主要途径。Antipollution principle, technological process and its applications are introduced in this paper, all kinds of comprehensive utilization patterns for chromium residue are illustrated.

本文论述了先进的控制型和诊断型传感器在催化转换器、电子喷油器和废气再循环系统等汽车防污染装置中所起的关键作用。It is stated that advanced control and diagnostic sensors play a key role in car antipollution devices such as catalytic converters, electronic fuel injection, and exhaust-gas recycle systems.

大量采用了逻辑阀和螺纹插装阀,所以大大降低了系统的内泄,且提高了液压阀的使用寿命和抗污染能力。Logic valve & hydraulic screw-in valve are widely used, so the possibility of system inner leaking is largely reduced and the hydraulic valve's working life & antipollution capacity is improved.

三明市区受工业污染严重,市郊国有林场经营区地处市区周山,培育抗污染的森林成为林场当务之急的工作。Sanming City is heavily polluted by the industry. Sanming Suburb National Forest Farm surrounds Sanming City lying on the moutains. To cultivate the antipollution forest is the urgence to the farm.