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当你歌声的甘露散发着Whilst the dews of your melody scatter

而他悲痛的朋友有的泣语Whilst some of their sad friends do say

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我们的军刀用的是420纯钢,不生锈!Our saber with 420, whilst doesn't rust!

为了吸引你的目光而向你的方向斜倚Leaning in towards you whilst holding your gaze

即可作底漆使用,同时也可以作面漆使用。This may use as prime whilst using as finish paint.

一个无畏虽然失去了一条腿,但是也不会摧毁。Whilst the loss of a leg will not destroy a Dreadnought.

所以,女王统治国家的同时,也是教堂的头领,So whilst the Queen is in charge and is Head of the Church,

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为什么车子球迷喜欢边坐在马桶上边吹口哨?Q. Why do Chelsea fans whistle whilst sitting on the toilet?

萨利的派对绝活儿是倒立唱歌。Sally's party piece is singing whilst standing on her hands.

很多锻炼你在桌边都可以做。There are many exercises you can do even whilst at your desk.

我决定在我还能舔食蜂蜜的时候就好好的把握机会。I decided I might as well lick the honey whilst I still could.

虽然“左”或“权利”将让你的赛车左转或右转。Whilst "left" or "right" will let your kart turn left or right.

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我会选择内在天堂,而身在囚牢。I'd go for the inner paradise whilst my body was in a prison cell.

在等待答复期间,承包商不应延误任何工作。The Contractor shall not delay any work whilst awaiting a response.

愿恶人落在自己的网里,我却得以逃脱。Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape.

不过回程的路上,我们还是见到更多郎科菲山的美景。But whilst going back we could still get some more views of Langkofel.

虽然是化石燃料为基础,可生物降解和堆肥气冷。Whilst being fossil fuel-based, AACs are biodegradable and compostable.

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虽然开始学习口齿不清,我遇到这个词的尾递归的。Whilst starting to learn lisp, I've come across the term tail-recursive.

有几帧率同时运行问题虽然没什么严重的。There are a few frame rate issues whilst running although nothing serious.

他本人便具备很多优雅,尽管他在讥笑常规的优雅。He had many elegancies of his own, whilst he scoffed at conventional elegance.