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木纤维壁厚。Wood fiber wall thickness.

把鸡肉切1厘米厚的片。Flatten chicken to 1cm thickness.

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这堵墙有多厚?What's the thickness of the wall?

采用薄而均一的制件厚度。Use a thin and uniform part thickness.

厚度1mm以上,使用寿命8年以上。Over 8 years, if thickness is over 1mm.

他嗓子眼儿里还是阵阵发紧。The thickness still came in his throat.

他嗓子眼儿里还是阵阵发紧。The thickness still came in his throat.

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厚薄依季节选择更换。Thickness selection depends on weather.

将面团擀平约2公分厚度。Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2cm.

他的面板要做到怎样的厚度呢?What soundboard thickness does he work to?

改变线条的粗细和长度。Vary the thickness and length of the lines.

绝大多数中心凹厚度增加。In most of the fovea, the thickness increased.

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这毛毯因为厚而很暖。This blanket is warm because of its thickness.

根状茎粗度反映了根状茎的成熟程度。Thickness reflects the mature degree of rhizome.

它相当于人头发丝的二十分之一那样细。It's one-twentieth the thickness of a human hair.

一种连接厚度相等的各点的等值线。A contour that connects points of equal thickness.

下部层位夹矸厚度变化较大。The lower tonstein layer is changing in thickness.

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透镜的厚度和质量令人印象深刻。Thickness and quality of the glass are impressive.

门体铝合金全部采用1.0厚度以上。Aluminium alloy door all adopt 1.0 thickness above.

山岳冰川在长度和厚度方面各不相同。Mountain glaciers may vary in length and thickness.