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但是回收率是值得的。But the payback is worth it.

这样做的好处很多,回报也十分快。The benefits are many, and the payback is quick.

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我们花费了少得多的空间于回收期和账面报酬率。We spent much less space on payback or return on book.

当泰斯拉当上头号人物之后的某种回报。Some payback after Tesla sets himself up as number one.

请求你的学生贷款商延长你的还款期限。Ask your student-loan servicer to extend your payback period.

改革“可能退化为由改革者发起的政治报复”。Reform "can degenerate into political payback" by the reformers.

太阳能热水有一个更快的回报和较低的前期成本。Solar hot water has a quicker payback and a lower up-front cost.

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他喃喃自语,“你背叛别人早晚要得报应的。He muttered, "You cheat on somebody, there's going to be payback.

自从他被他的敌人关到牢里后,他就一直在想怎么能够报复。Since his enemies got him put in jail he's been looking for payback.

然而,更广泛地说,我们正看到实体经济的回报。More broadly, however, we’re looking at payback from the real economy.

该项目回收期预计约为5.75年。The payback period for the project is expected to be about 5.75 years.

一次仪器更换至多必须有五年的偿还周期。A replacement instrument must have, at most, a five-year payback period.

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小于行业动态投资回收期,项目是可行的。Dynamic payback period is less than the industry, the project is feasible.

如果一个项目的回收期长于这一水平,则应放弃。If the payback period of a project is longer than the level, it will be rejected.

“它可能有一个较长的投资回收期,但在10年的生命,一个城市是什么”。It may have a longer payback period, but 10 years in the life of a city is nothing.

回收期是指收回最初现金投入所需要的年数。The payback period is the number of years needed to recover the initial cash outlay.

回收期法的简易性使它成为描述投资项目的一种容易的策略。The simplicity of payback makes it an easy device for describing investment projects.

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但斯泰勒斯去年漏判了我们四、五个点球,所以可能这是偿债。但他仍然欠我们四个点球。But Rob Styles turned us down four or five times last year so maybe it is payback time.

我们也知道,女童的教育可对健康带来特别高的回报。We know, too, that the education of girls brings an especially high payback for health.

重点突出关键要点,并包括投资回报率和贷款回收期。Highlight the key points and include the return on investment or loan payback requirements.