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他毫不犹豫地把它们列为变种。He unhesitatingly ranks them as varieties.

“三十四,”约翰尼毫不犹豫地回答。"Thirty-four," Johnny answered unhesitatingly.

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如果是类似的情况,威廉姆斯车队会毫不犹豫的使用现在的测试车手。In a similar situation, Williams would unhesitatingly use its current test driver.

如果破坏社会秩序,触犯了刑律,就必须坚决处理。If any of them disrupt public order or violate the law, they must be dealt with unhesitatingly.

飞行员意识到自己已无力挽救飞机,便毫不犹豫地跳了伞。Realizing there was nothing for him to do to save his plane, the pilot unhesitatingly baled out.

弗格森爵士曾要求他的球员们去学教练课程,索尔斯克亚自然不甘人后。Ferguson was once asked who of his players would make a coach and unhesitatingly suggested Solskjaer.

心要日日如春天那样美,如春天那样温和,将心中的爱毫无保存地盛放开来。Everyday, let us harbor a warm and beautiful heart from which love blossoms and radiates forth unhesitatingly.

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这个孩子头也不抬,仍坚定地把身边的鱼抛回海里。The child didn't raise his head up and still unhesitatingly keep on casting the fishes around him into the sea.

但还有一点必须补充,即无论如何,我们必须首先承认理智思维的权利和优点。It must be added, however, that the merit and rights of the mere Understanding should unhesitatingly be admitted.

他怎么可能会这样抨击一支在他深陷科罗拉多事件时一直支持他的球队呢?。How could he lash out like this against a franchise that stood by him unhesitatingly through his entire ordeal in Colorado?

当时,萨克跳出水面四米,然后尽不犹豫地顶起了置于水池上方平台上的贴有阿根廷国旗的球。Leaping four metres out of the water, Sayco unhesitatingly went for the Argentine ball placed on a platform above his pool.

史密斯先生,装船重量是我们出售皮棉依据的原则,国外客户都毫不犹豫地接受我们的条款。Mr. Smith, it is our principle to sell our cotton waste on shipping weight, and al our buyers abroad have unhesitatingly accepted our terms.

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如果你突然哪天意识到你不再喜欢今天的这个自己,你可以刻意的做一些非常规的举动,让这些举动慢慢影响你,或者,毫不犹豫的换一个生存环境。If you suddenly realize you don't like yourself any more at one day, you can try to act as unconventionality, or change your environment unhesitatingly.

我将毫不犹豫的担当起这个领导人,带领我们伟大的人民,有纪律的去克服和战胜我们所面临的困难和挑战。With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our people dedicated to a disciplined attack upon our common problems.

布兰克费恩毫不迟疑地承认,如果金融体系崩溃,那么造成的后果就会像山顶滚雪球般席卷所有人,高盛也难以逃脱。Had the financial system collapsed, Mr. Blankfein unhesitatingly acknowledges, 'We would have been in that snowball tumbling down the hill with everybody else.

解放区在坚决地毫不犹豫地实现耕者有其田的条件下,“三三制”政策仍然不变。In the Liberated Areas the policy of the "three thirds system" is to remain unchanged, on the condition that the policy of land to the tillers is carried out resolutely and unhesitatingly.