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我对瓦尔纳很好奇。I am curious about Varna.

您也可以考虑瓦尔纳机场。You may also consider Varna Airport.

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但是,先要探索一番的还是瓦尔纳。But first there is Varna to discover.

阳光,沙滩,海浪和自然,凡尔纳之旅等着你。Varna a journey to sun, sand, water and nature.

最高瓦尔纳是婆罗门,牧师和学者。The highest varna is the Brahmin , the priests and scholars.

但老人在他的准确评价瓦尔纳不够。But the old man is accurate enough in his appraisal of Varna.

保加利亚瓦尔纳市是让许多男人的梦想变成现实的地方。Varna in Bulgaria is to enable many men dream into a reality of the place.

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9月,惠廷汉姆打破了自己的纪录,踩着这辆瓦尔纳风暴,最高时速达到了82.819迈。In September, Whittingham broke his own mark, pedaling the Varna Tempest to a top speed of 82.819 mph.

在花园之外,瓦尔纳仍是一个运转中的港口,除了吊机林立还有舟楫成群。Beyond the gardens, Varna is still a working port and in addition to a sea of cranes I spot cargo ships.

排在第五的是保加利亚的瓦尔纳,这座城市中美丽的黑海海岸在夏天“挤满了晒日光浴的美女”。Number five is Varna in Bulgaria where the country's gorgeous Black Sea Coast 'becomes jam-packed with sunbathing beauties' in the summer.

保加利亚的黑海最大港口瓦尔纳前日关闭,北部鲁塞区积雪厚40厘米,20条村庄对外交通中断。Bulgaria's Black Sea port of Varna the day before the biggest turn off, north of Rousse District 40 cm thick snow cover, 20 villages outbound traffic disruption.

1396年的尼科波利斯战役、1402年的帖木儿入侵及1444年的瓦尔纳战役使拜占庭帝国仍得以苟延残喘,直至1453年的君士坦丁堡之陷落。The Crusade of Nicopolis in 1396, Timur's invasion in 1402 and the final Crusade of Varna in 1444 allowed a ruined Constantinople to stave off defeat until 1453.