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有好几种原因可导致订单处于重新处理状态。An order can be in the reprocess status for a couple of reasons.

对二战时期生产的过期血浆进行再加工。To reprocess outdated stocks of plasma produced in World War II.

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蒸汽消毒器内空间适合再加工处理标准大小床垫。The chamber dimensions are adapted to reprocess standard-size mattresses.

较新的GPU可重复处理场景,以求逼近间接光源的效果。Newer GPUs can reprocess the scene multiple times to approximate indirect lighting.

梅伊尔认为,“部分原因是制造和再加工核燃料非常昂贵。”"Partly because it is very expensive to make and reprocess nuclear fuel, " Meier suggests.

具体介绍了服装粘合衬布用聚酰胺热熔胶的后加工。This article introduced the reprocess of polyamide hot melt adhesive for bonding lining cloth of clothing.

方法对我院9例纵隔气肿患者作胸部螺旋CT扫描,收集数据进行后处理。Methods To perform chest spiral CT scan to 9 cases with mediastinal emphysema, collect and reprocess the data.

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纺织厂回丝、坏纱及服装业边角料加工的再用纤维可用于转杯纺纱。The reprocess fibre from waste, defective yarn and cloth rim charge in textile mills can be used in rotor spinning.

北韩上个月驱逐了核监察人员,还说计划把核燃料再加工成武器级材料。The North ejected nuclear inspectors, last month, and says it plans to reprocess nuclear fuel into weapons material.

卡特实验室与军队签订了一项再加工40,000袋过期的干血浆的合同进展地出乎意料地好。An Army contract with Cutter Laboratories to reprocess 40,000 packages of outdated dried plasma had gone unexpectedly well.

然而,有些国家可能担心在能源上依赖其它大国而想要制造并再加工自己的燃料。However, some countries may be wary of depending on foreign powers for their energy and might want to make and reprocess their own fuel.

回收塑料袋之后,对它们进行再加工、清洁,然后粉碎,用它们制造新的消后再生品,将它们投入新塑料袋的生产制造中。We reprocess it, we clean it, and we shred it, we make new post-consumer recycled product and put that back into the manufacturing of new bags.

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外国公司利用低廉的中国工资水平来加工进口半成品,然后源源不断地运到欧洲和美国。Foreign companies take advantage of low Chinese wages to reprocess imports of semi-manufactured goods that are then shipped to Europe and the U.

PTI引述不愿透露姓名的官员的话称,该协议将保证印度反应堆的铀供应不受阻碍,以及保证再加工用过核燃料的权利。The pact would guarantee unhindered supply of uranium for Indian reactors and the right to reprocess spent fuel, PTI quoted unnamed officials as saying.

忘记过去的创伤指的是重新认识当时的情况,用新的看法去看待它,然后宽恕。Forgetting a past hurt refers to relearning the circumstances surround the situation, reprocess it through a fresh perspective, and move toward forgiveness.

固型燃料的再生成形技术已广泛应用干生产,压制成形机的特种螺杆设计是技术关键。The technique of reprocess shaping of solid fuel is applied in production widely. The design of special type bolt on pressing shaping machine is the key technique.

例如,我们对惊恐病人诱发焦虑,这样他们能用最小程度诱发的惊恐来再加工他们的认知,而这种惊恐是在治疗过程中所感觉到的。For example, we induce anxiety in our panic patients so that they can then reprocess their cognitions with the minimal induced panic that they feel during the sessions.

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俄国提议为伊朗和其他潜在的核国家建立一个共给和再处理核燃料的中心以防止核原料转而用于核武器目的。Russiahasproposed setting up a center to furnish and reprocess nuclearfuelfor Iran and other potential nuclearstatesto prevent diversion of such material for weapons purposes.

例如,中国三分之二的出口是为外国公司制造,实质就是加工半成品,然后运往欧洲和美国。Two-thirds of China's exports, for example, are made by foreign companies who essentially reprocess imports of semi-manufactured goods that are then shipped to Europe and the US.

俄罗斯计划建立一个中心,为伊朗和一些潜在的有核国家提供和重新加工核燃料以防止核物质被转移用来制造武器。Russia has proposed setting up a center to furnish and reprocess nuclear fuel for Iran and other potential nuclear states to prevent diversion of such material for weapons purposes.