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科学要非常精准。Science has to have some rigor.

坚硬是一种僵尸的表现。Rigidity is a sign of rigor mortis.

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假装身体十分僵硬。Pretend as if rigor mortis has set in.

这种苛刻标准帮助公司迅速成长。That rigor helped the company grow speedily.

过几小时尸体就会僵直。Within a few hours rigor mortis would set in.

我对消费僵死的咒语非常敏感。I am susceptible to spells of consumer rigor mortis.

此方法表现出建模中的下一个精确级别。This approach represents the next level of rigor in modeling.

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我选择布朗大学是因为布朗大学以严谨的学术氛围著称。Well, I chose Brown because it's known for its academic rigor.

创造性过程的自由性与生产过程的严格性间的平衡Creative process freedom balanced with production process rigor

因此,在令人沮丧的考试面前,哈佛很难摆脱僵化的学术教条。By discouraging exams, then, Harvard is hardly forsaking academic rigor.

我的大脑处于最僵硬的状态。我的躯体隐约地反复呼喊着“回家!”My brain was in final stages of rigor mortis and my body was chanting home!

死后僵硬,惨败,腐坏—这些同样能成为精美绝伦的感受的源泉。Rigor mortis, pallor, rot — these too can be sources of exquisite sensation.

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有些专家说,高中课程不够严格是造成这一结果的原因之一。Some experts say the lack of rigor in high-school courses is partly to blame.

然而最终,体制僵化的号角将再次响起,同样的循环将再次开始。Eventually, institutional rigor mortis will set in and the cycle will begin again.

尽管如此,所有严谨的路线,有丰富的夏奈尔工艺,在每一块。Still, for all the rigor of line, there was rich Chanel craftsmanship in every piece.

凯宾斯基饭店来自德国,也一直将德式的严谨和自律注入每一个面包中。Kempinski Hotel from Germany, has been the German rigor and discipline into each bread.

博客作者已经承认读者正在寻找传统新闻记者的严肃性。Bloggers have to accept that readers are looking for the rigor of traditional journalists.

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但你们从未在严苛的纪律下做过,我们在这里要的就是这种严苛。But you haven't done it with the kind of discipline and rigor that we're looking for here.

早期尸僵和迅速自溶解提醒必须迅速进行剖检。Early rigor mortis and rapid autolysis indicate the need for prompt necropsy examinations.

他是第一位,加入某种精准概念,到政治生活词汇中的人。He was the first to give some kind of conceptual rigor to the vocabulary of political life.