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它呈现并且坚持宗教的集中化。It assumes and insists upon the centralization of the cult.

一个仪式系统,之后我们会讲到以色列祭仪。A system of rites, and we'll be looking at the Israelite cult later.

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这其实并不容易,因为很多人生活在国外并不好找。This is not always easy, because many live abroad and are dif?cult to locate.

耶和华崇拜就是由这些引入,他们是从埃及出逃的奴隶。The Yahweh cult may have been introduced by people escaping slavery from Egypt.

他描写了来自于美国边界某处的一群人,他们是一群狂热分子He has this whole group of people out somewhere on the American frontier and they're a kind of a cult.

我们怎么样解释以色列的神与,它邻国宗教的相似性?What are we to make of the incredible similarity of Israel's deity and cult to those of her neighbors?

这些圣坛也和某些东西有关联,与祖先或者对逝者的崇拜有关。These shrines may have been associated with some kind of contact with ancestors, some kind of cult of the dead.

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在这里我用“祭仪“这个词,每一年人们都会问我,“什么是祭仪?我甚至不知道它是什么意思,“Now I use the word "cult" and every year people look at me and say "what is cult? I don't even understand what that means."

骨盆骨折在多发创伤中较为常见,仍然给即使是经验最丰富的医师造成一个艰难的治疗困境。Pelvic fractures are common in polytrauma and continue to pose dif?cult management dilemmas for even the most experienced clinician.

骨盆骨折在多发创伤中较为常见,仍然给即使是经验最丰富的医师造成一个艰难的治疗困境。Pelvic fractures are common in polytrauma and continue to pose a dif?cult management dilemma for even the most experienced clinicians.

8世纪逐渐过去,浪漫主义的出现,开始涌现出一大批天才。Then as the eighteenth century wears on, you begin to get the sense as is well known and I think often overstated you begin to get a cult of genius.

何时,为何以色列人采纳了耶和华,唯一的地位,并且试图与他们所说的纯耶和华崇拜区别,比如说,与Baal宗教?When and why did some Israelites adopt a Yahweh-only position, and seek to differentiate what they would call a pure Yahwism from the cult of Baal, for example?

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众所周知,由于该骨折难以在平片上显示,潜在性地与毁灭性神经损伤高度相关,因此不应漏诊。Notoriously dif?cult to visualise on plain radiography, these fractures have a high association of potentially devastating neurological injury and should not be missed.

尽管难以在盐碱地里栽种树木,但覆盖地表和湿地的植被异常丰富,随着地下水位和PH值的细微变化而呈现不同的形态。Though it is di?cult to grow trees in the saline-alkali soil, the ground cover and wetland vegetation are rich and vary in response to subtle changes in the water table and PH values.

也许是其他原因,但是他们因某一原因而收回,而他们怎样又为何开始了耶和华崇拜,或者说耶和华宗教并不清楚,但似乎,正是这点让他们区别于其他的迦南人。And maybe it was something else. But they withdrew for some reason And how and why they took up the worship of Yahweh or the cult of Yahweh isn't really clear but it seems to have been what marked them as distinct from other Canaanites.

对于Wellhausen,牧师来源强调祭祀和仪式,它代表了一种晚期的退化阶段,在以色列宗教的进化进程,因为牧师仪式的宗教习俗都是一种退化。So for Wellhausen, the Priestly source, which emphasizes cult and ritual logically it had to represent a late degenerate stage in the evolution of Israelite religion, because priestly ritualistic cultic practices, these are degenerations.

正如圣经故事中所描述的,和我们在考古时发现的一样,此教派与迦南宗教和古近东宗教的延续性,很明显地体现在古以色列和犹大地区的人的,拜神仪式和对物体的崇拜上。But continuities with Canaanite and Ancient Near Eastern religions are apparent in the worship practices and the cult objects of ancient Israel and Judah as they're described in the biblical stories and as we find them in archaeological discoveries.

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据Wellhausen,古代以以列早期,一定是以自由自然的宗教形式为特色的,与上帝关系亲密,不受任何阻碍,牧师和仪式痴迷于遵从律法,造成阻碍。So according to Wellhausen, the early period of ancient Israel must have been characterized by a free, more natural form of religion, an intimate relationship with God, unencumbered or unsullied by the legalistic cultic obsessions of priests and cult.