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这是一个静态脚本。This is a static script.

那剧本怎么样呢?And what about the script?

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你写有这样的剧本吗?Have you written a script?

哪篇手稿做这?Which script is doing this?

不要使用手写体。Do not use any script fonts.

这都是因为我们有脚本。It's because of that script.

该脚本还不适合上演。The script didn't stage well.

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脚本上没有那一段词。That line isn't in the script.

本脚本会删除这个回车。The script removes this break.

这是哈丽特的手迹。This is the script of Harriet.

不久以后你学会了连笔。Before long you learned script.

开动脑筋,为剧本想些点子。Brainstorm ideas for the script.

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下面是一个用于系统引导的脚本。Here's a script for system boot.

我需要一点时间润色脚本。I need some time with the script.

打开服务器端脚本文件。Open the server-side script file.

剧本被寄到杨紫琼经纪人的手中。The script was sent to her agent.

为什么不选择通用脚本?Why not a general-purpose script?

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回到您的空测试脚本中。Go back to your empty test script.

草拟一个脚本用于指导你的拍摄。Draft a script to guide your shoot.

对于这个脚本,我有两个问题。I have two issues with this script.