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时间过长,易导致肌肤失水、失养。Longer time easily leads to dehydration and dystrophy to skin.

班.卡本特因患上肌肉萎缩症,最后只得坐轮椅。Ben Carpenter has muscular dystrophy and gets around in an electric wheelchair.

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本发明涉及一种治疗杜兴氏肌营养不良疾病的药物。The present invention is one medicine for treating Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

主要指标角膜病变及角膜移植片的裂隙灯显微镜图像。Main Outcome Measures Slit-lamp microscopic images of corneal dystrophy and graft.

目的以基因突变分析一角膜营养不良家系的致病分子基础。Objective Molecular genetic analysis of a large Chinese corneal dystrophy kindred.

我今年16岁,住在加拿大安大略省,患有先天性肌营养不良。I am 16 years old and live in Ontario, Canada and have congenital muscular dystrophy.

杜氏肌萎缩症是一种致死性的基因突变疾病,平均每3500个男孩中就有一个罹患此病。Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a fatal genetic mutation in about one of every 3,500 boys.

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快速运动会引起肌强直,肌营养不良是另一种肌强直类型。Quick movements cause muscle stiffening. There is also a myotonic form of muscular dystrophy.

主要指标角膜病变的裂隙灯显微镜及共焦显微镜图像。Main Outcome Measures Slit-lamp microscopic and confocal microscopic images of corneal dystrophy.

可否请你帮助我们在提供更多信息的结果,干细胞对肌肉萎缩症。Could you please help us in providing more information about the result of stem cell on muscular dystrophy.

这项技术同样能应用于帕金森综合症、运动神经元疾病和肌肉萎缩症。But it could also make it easier to treat Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease and muscular dystrophy.

但是除去这些好的意愿,你选择逃避才是真正使你心情不好的原因。But despite the good intentions, choosing to run away from it is literally putting yourself on dystrophy mode.

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结论间歇性低蛋白饮食可以预防CRF患者发生营养不良,控制病情发展。Conclusion Intermittent low-protein diets can prevent CRF patients from dystrophy and control disease progression.

这些遗传病通常只发生在男性身上,如肌肉萎缩、血友病等。These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.

目的观察生物陶瓷冷热敷治疗肩手综合征的疗效。Projective To investigate the efficacy of cold and hot compress of bioceramics for treating reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

这些用于研究的老鼠有利于帮助科学家发现一系列治疗方法,来应对肌肉萎缩症或伴随癌症和艾滋而产生的肌肉消耗症。The mice may help researchers find treatments for muscular dystrophy or the muscle wasting that accompanies cancer or AIDS.

只供较严重之痉挛或肌萎人士。如参加者需要个人照顾,需有家人或朋友陪同出席。For people with Cerebral Palsy and Muscular Dystrophy only. Participants who need personal care should attend with an assistant.

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被称为PTC124的药物,已经在治疗Duchenne肌营养不良和囊性纤维化的病人中获得了激动人心的成果。The drug, known as PTC124, has already had encouraging results in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis.

随着时间推移,很明显RNA在强直性肌营养不良中起了核心作用,RNA是一种类似于DNA普遍存在的分子。Over time it became apparent that a central player in myotonic dystrophy was RNA, a versatile molecule that is very similar to DNA.

对脑卒中后可能出现营养障碍的患者进行营养评估及营养支持,会减少并发症,改善预后。Appropriate nutrition evaluation and support for stroke patients with dystrophy may help reduce complications and improve the outcome.