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在悉尼残疾人奥运会上,他赢得了箭术比赛的奖牌。In Sydney Paraplegic Olympics, he won a medal in archery.

还是自己变半身不遂,哪个会令你幸福?Or one in which you become paraplegic? Which would make you happier?

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在影片中,杰克,一个瘫痪的前海军陆战队员被选来执行特殊任务。In the movie, Jake, a paraplegic ex-Marine is chosen for a special mission.

霍尔斯特德伤到了他的脊髓,事故的后果是他成了截瘫。Halsted damaged his spinal cord and became a paraplegic as a result of the accident.

我需要提早为将来半身不遂的日子做准备,开门是个不错的锻炼机会。I might need to learn how to function as a paraplegic in future and opening doors is a good training.

射箭选手范尔霍成为了首位被截肢但却参与奖牌项目的选手,她是坐在轮椅上完成的全部比赛。Archer Neroli Fairhall was the first paraplegic athlete to take part in a medal event. She competed in a wheelchair.

那些将要下身麻痹的病人会把自己限制在轮椅试图结束疾病的折磨的。Those desiring to become paraplegic will sometimes confine themselves to a wheelchair in an effort to end the torment.

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有时候,这种受困形式可以包括在监狱里服刑,或者有时候以截瘫患者而受困在轮椅里的生活。Sometimes such forms of imprisonment can include a sentence in prison, or sometimes a life in a wheel chair as a paraplegic.

患有BIID的病人采取了截肢的方式,为外科手术买单,并且制造交通事故来截肢或者使下身麻痹。BIID persons resort to sawing off limbs, paying for surgeries, and staging accidents to remove the limb or to become paraplegic.

自制膀胱控制器结合骶部去传入能很好的重建圆锥上脊髓损伤犬膀胱的贮尿和排尿功能。Self-made bladder controller together with a sacral deafferentation procedure can restore micturition function of paraplegic dogs.

在墨西哥参加金杯赛的期间,埃尔南德斯是唯一一个抽空去和一个在法国夏洛特的截瘫女孩聊天的球员。During Mexico's participation in the Gold Cup, Hernández was the only player who stopped and talked to a paraplegic girl in Charlotte.

如果你的车出了故障,需要步行好几里才能获得帮助,就想想那些多么渴望有机会走路的瘫痪病人吧。Should you car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance, think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take walk.

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海军下士杰克·苏里在得知自己的弟弟在争斗中牺牲后,决定替代他执行在遥远星球潘多拉的任务。When his brother is killed in battle, paraplegic Marine Jake Sully decides to take his place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora.

如果你的未婚夫因为车祸瘫痪了,你会坚持和他结婚,还是退婚呢?If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and become a paraplegic , would you go through with the marriage or back out of it?

南非政府正准备支付数千美元赔偿金,在一个有蒸气且冒泡的马桶烫伤某位半身不遂的囚犯及下体后。The South African government is to stump up thousands of dollars in compensation after a steaming and private parts of a paraplegic prisoner.

探索如何截瘫患者可以下车在此免费视频园艺和美化环境,从残奥会金牌得主与技巧割草机。Discover how a paraplegic can get off a riding mower with tips from a paralympic gold medalist in this free video on gardening and landscaping.

虽然残奥会的单词是瘫痪和奥运会的合成词,但是与瘫痪或者下肢瘫痪没有直接联系。No relation with paralysis or paraplegia is intended, though the word Paralympic was originally a portmanteau combining paraplegic and Olympic.

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本文针对高位截瘫病人结合临床实践,从心理护理、高热的护理、呼吸道的护理、皮肤的护理、泌尿系统的护理、功能锻炼等方面进行探讨。This article introduces attending methods for high paraplegic patients, which focus on the attendance on respiratory tract, high fever, and so on.

本文就如何应用人文关怀的精神关爱截瘫患者,更好地构建和谐社会谈几点看法。This article will talk some views on how to make use of the spirit of humanistic concerning paraplegic patients, and building a harmonious society.

方法采用截瘫平面以下的废用神经,行体神经-内脏神经反射弧膀胱功能重建术34例。Methods By using the disuse nerves under the paraplegic plane, somatic nerve splanchnic nerve reflex arc bladder function remodelling was performed in 34 cases.