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淋巴球在淋巴组织中成熟。Lymphocytes mature in the lymphoid organs.

非淋巴细胞可分为两类。Non- lymphoid cells can be classified into two groups.

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在精原细胞瘤癌巢中可见淋巴间质。Note the lymphoid stroma between the nests of seminoma.

大多数淋巴肿瘤发生在这两个部位。Most of the lymphoid neoplasms occur at these two sites.

因此,淋巴器官中同时存在B淋巴细胞和T淋巴细胞。Thus, lymphoid organs have populations of both B and T lymphocytes.

淋巴干细胞能制造一些,但非全部的造血细胞。Lymphoid stem cells can produce a few, but not all, kinds of blood cells.

目的探讨淋巴结核的免疫发病机制。Objective To investigate the immune pathogenesis of lymphoid tuberculosis.

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别名有,急性淋巴母细胞性白血病和急性淋巴性白血病。Other names for ALL are acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute lymphoid leukemia.

较为细致地观察了南美白对虾类淋巴器的形态结构。Carefully Observes the shape and structure of lymphoid organs of Penaeus vannamei Boone.

在淋巴源的恶性肿瘤中,上述的每一个抑癌基因改变均见报道。Each of these tumor suppressors has been reported to be altered in lymphoid malignancies.

具有较多淋巴样组织的回肠,是大多数淋巴腺瘤产生之处。The ileum with its greater amount of lymphoid tissue is where most of the lymphomas occur.

研究者将他们设计的基因片断植入培养的淋巴细胞中。The researchers embedded the gene structures created by them into cultivated lymphoid cells.

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另一种干细胞称为淋巴干细胞,能够生成B细胞或者T细胞Another stem cell called the lymphoid stem cell is capable of forming the B and T lymphocytes.

淋巴球有两个主要类型︰B细胞和T细胞,两类都源于骨髓中的干细胞,然后再流至淋巴组织。B cells and T cells , originate from stem cells in Bone marrow and travel to lymphoid tissues.

研究了番鸭法氏囊柄部淋巴组织的分布及组织学结构。The distribution and histology of lymphoid tissue in the Fabricius' bursal stalk were studied.

该亚群病毒主要引起髓细胞瘤,而其它外源性ALV亚群主要引起淋巴瘤。ALV-J most causes myeloid leukosis, while other exogenous ALVs mainly induce lymphoid leukosis.

淋巴器官内T细胞和B细胞的密切联系对免疫功能是非常关键的。Close association of T cells and B cells within lymphoid organs is essential to immune function.

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研究结果表明,分布于法氏囊柄部的淋巴组织是一种粘膜相关淋巴组织。The results indicated that the lymphoid tissue of Fabricius' bursal stalk was one kind of the MALT.

结论涎腺粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤多为无痛性过程,发展缓慢,长期局限。Conclusion Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the salivary glands is an indolent disease.

法氏囊是鸟类特有的结构,位于泄殖腔后上方,囊壁充满淋巴组织。IBD is the unique structure of birds at the top after the cloaca , the wall full of lymphoid tissue.