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我来自中国洛阳市!!!I am from Luoyang city, China! ! !

牡丹是洛阳的市花。The peony is the city flower of Luoyang.

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你喜欢洛阳市的什么呢?What do you like about the city of Luoyang?

谷雨时洛阳牡丹开花。Peony of the Luoyang when Grain Rain blossoms.

曹政等人前往招待所,发现一把洛阳铲。Cao Zheng, who went to the hostel, found a Luoyang shovel.

和洛阳市的房地产市场仍处于全面展开。And Luoyang City real estate market is still in full swing.

我的学校在洛阳吉利,它是一个非常美丽的地方。My school is in Jili Luoyang , it's a very beautiful place.

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洛下牡丹无处处,一枝空插杜鹃花。Luoyang Peony under no everywhere, an air plug rhododendrons.

洛阳市浅层地下水硬度上升问题突出。The shallow groundwater near Luoyang has been hard seriously.

石林叠翠老君山,北国山水走洛阳。Shilin Pinnacle Laojunshan, Northland landscapes take Luoyang.

归雁洛阳边的思乡之情又让人怜悯。Go goose Luoyang side of the homesickness of it makes one pity.

每当到了百花怒放的四月份,洛阳就成了花的海洋。When flowers bloom into April, Luoyang became a sea of flowers.

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洛阳铁路信息工程学校分数线多少?Information Engineering School in Luoyang Railway score how much?

洛阳市吉利区,地方群组,当地网友交流。The communication place for luoyang city, JiLi town local people.

东汉光武帝时,洛阳令董宣便是其中典型的一员。Han Guangwu, the directors declared that Luoyang is a typical one.

魏故河涧太守郭君墓志于2001年在洛阳市纱厂西路出土。The epitaph of Guo Dingxing was excavated in urban Luoyang in 2001.

我公司致力于洛阳市场的产品代理,宣传,销售。Our company is committed to Luoyang market agents, publicity, sales.

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走到许昌和洛阳的交界处,太阳已经落山了。Xuchang and Luoyang come to the junction, the sun has been downhill.

2009年春,孟津县在进行第三次全国文物普查时发现一件珍贵石器。In 2009, one stone plane was discovered in Mengjin county in Luoyang.

长沙流谪君非远,莫遣英名负洛阳。Non-current disgrace Jun Changsha far, Mo removal fame negative Luoyang.