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那榆荫下的一潭。That elm-shaded pond.

野鸭飞落在水池。Ducks lit on the pond.

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那座小池塘干涸了。The little pond ran dry.

拥挤的鸭塘。In the hustled duck pond.

锦鲤池塘在边院。Koi Pond in the Side Yard.

苍蝇正在池塘那飞。They are happy at the pond.

三条鱼住在一个池塘。Three fish lived in a pond.

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池子里的红鲤鱼泼剌一响。A carp splashed in the pond.

他把狗投在池里浸湿。He soused a dog in the pond.

池塘像阴沟一样散发着恶臭。The pond stank like a sewer.

为什么用塘泥?Why do they use pond sludge?

我们在池塘里养鸭。We fed the ducks in the pond.

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池塘里冰结得很厚。The ice was thick on the pond.

池塘里结了一层冰。The pond filmed over with ice.

小路下斜通到池塘。The path descends to the pond.

爹哋话呢个系个莲花池。Daddy said this is a lotus pond.

在小山坳里,有一个小池。In a small col, there is a pond.

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一塘清水一塘莲。A pond of clear water with lotus.

几只野鸭悠游塘中。Few mallards swam along the pond.

那着名的荷花池已经在望。The famous lily pond 's In sight.