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逃亡者用纸带将葡萄扎成这种形状。The escapee taped the grapes into this shape.

警方正在镇上搜捕那个逃犯。The police are beating the town for the escapee.

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擦伤的逃犯用带子把葡萄扎成各种形状。The scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes.

擦伤的逃犯用带子电话英语把葡萄扎成各种形状。The scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes.

擦伤的已逃走犯用带子把蒲萄扎成各种外形。the scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes.

后来才知道他是从田纳西州的一个精神病院里逃出来的。He turned out to be an escapee from a Tennessee mental institution.

在海角上,擦伤的逃犯用带子把葡萄扎成各种形状。On the cape the scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes.

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逃犯迅速向北跑去,然后又忽然回到原地。The escapee ran quickly northward and cut back to the original place.

警察在那座建筑物里搜寻逃犯,但没找到。The police searched the building for the escapee but failed to find him.

作为出逃者,你一般会被预料将躲藏起来,为了避免不被发现行踪。As an escapee , you're usually expected to hide out in order to avoid being discovered.

在2010年夏天,一个电影摄制组将采访时从一个拘留设施的逃跑。In the summer of 2010, a video crew will interview an escapee from an internment facility.

一位越狱者告诉BBC记者,他用了将近30分钟才走出这条通道。One escapee told the BBC it had taken him about 30 minutes to walk the length of the tunnel.

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在我的第一届州长任期内,一个从州内一家精神病院逃出来的人给我的官邸打来电话,声称要杀死我。In my first term, an escapee from one of our mental institutions called the mansion and said he was going to kill me.

据悉,巴安全部队在斯瓦特河谷地区发现了成功逃脱的中国工程师,并用直升机将他送到安全地带。Security forces found the escapee in the mountainous area of Vinai in Matta tehsil of Swat, and moved him to safety by helicopter.

劳伦斯在他的小说中共塑造了12位出逃者的形象。Lawrence, in his novels created 12 escapee images, who as an integrated whole serve the inherent connections and logical development.

而霍华德·贝尔西这个角色本身,一开始表现得如同马尔科姆·布拉德伯里小说中逃亡者,不过随着他那无穷尽的荒唐特质被不断深化,这个角色不可思议地变得越来越纯净,越来越赏心悦目。Or Howard Belsey himself, who starts out like an escapee from a Malcolm Bradbury novel but whose limitless capacity for folly keeps deepening and strangely sweetening his character.