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有好几个依地语词描述社交不适应。There are several Yiddish words to describe social misfits.

次日,我们遇上了一个说依地语的人。On the second day, we briefly meet a passenger who speaks Yiddish.

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慢慢地,贝尔和蓓查习惯了儿子和他的美国式意第绪语。Slowly, Berl and Berlcha grew accustomed to their son and his American Yiddish.

除此之外还有英语、俄语、犹太依地语和罗马尼亚语。Other languages spoken in Israel include English, Russian, Yiddish and Romanian.

结论部分总结了辛格作为意第绪语作家和美国犹太作家的成就。The Conclusion summarizes Singer's achievement as both a Yiddish and American-Jewish writer.

马蒂会说依地语和西班牙语,他在布鲁克林法院找了一个工作做翻译。Martie, who spoke Yiddish and pidgin Spanish, got a job as a translator in a Brooklyn courthouse.

而且,因为它是一种日耳曼语言,许多依地语词汇和德语词汇相似,甚至相同。Also, since it is a Germanic language, many Yiddish words are similar or even the same as German words.

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新颖的管理引起的意第绪语的传统民俗,同时保持马拉默德的培训,古典文学和哲学。The novel manages to evoke the tradition of Yiddish folklore while maintaining Malamud's training in classic literature and philosophy.

去年九月,还有两所学校代表这座城市四分之一的学生,推出了为6到10岁儿童准备的意底绪语强化班。Last September, two schools representing a quarter of the city's students introduced compulsory Yiddish classes for children aged 6 to 10.

一个来自新泽西、母语为依地语的犹太女孩创作了一本关于历史上最伟大的天主教诗人但丁的书,不觉得她很可爱吗?What's a nice Jewish girl from New Jersey whose first language was Yiddish doing writing a book about history's greatest Catholic poet, Dante?

目前,在比罗比詹全部十四所公立学校中,只有一所学校将意底绪语作为教学语言,但到处都有人学习犹太文化和犹太文学。Today, Yiddish is the language of instruction in only one of Birobidzhan's 14 public schools, though Jewish culture and literature are studied everywhere.

以色列巴伊兰大学教授伯利斯·科特曼此前曾为学者们运作一个意底绪语的夏季计划达两年之久,后来这个计划于去年夏天逐渐结束。Boris Kotlerman, a professor at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, ran a Yiddish summer program for scholars here for two years, before it petered out last summer.

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不过,你还可以发现,犹太人的标记遍及此地的每个地方,从耸立在城市广场上的九烛台,到火车站内用意底绪语书写的迎宾标语。But then you notice that Jewish symbols are everywhere, from the huge menorah dominating the main square to the large sign in the train station welcoming travelers to "Birobidzhan" in Yiddish.

优秀的家庭有一位领导者,或者是女主人,或者是创始人——他身边总簇拥着人们,他的成就用犹太语来说,让他身边的人洋洋得意,他的榜样激励身边的追逑伟业。Good families have a chief or a heroine or a founder – someone around whom others cluster whose achievements as the Yiddish word has it let them kvell and whose example spurs them on to like feats.