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枪支爱好者现在十分庆幸。Gun-lovers are guardedly jubilant.

其它经济学家则保持着谨慎的乐观。Other economists are guardedly optimistic.

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作为一名临床医生,穆克吉仅仅只是抱着谨慎乐观的态度。As a clinician, Mukherjee is only guardedly optimistic.

司机随意地点了点头,而我们都保持沉默。The driver nodded guardedly. The rest of us were silent.

司机礼貌的点点头,我们依然沉默的坐着,没有反应。The driver nodded guardedly. The rest of us were silent.

我想当一个守护天使,永远守护你。I want to be a guardian angel, guardedly you for ever and a day.

她警觉地朝我笑了笑,挑选了两条鲳鱼,捞出水面递给我。Smiling guardedly at me, she selected acouple of pomfrets and held them out to me.

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我谨慎地使用“国际互联网”这个词,因为我相信在大约18个月后,就根本不会再使用这个词了。I use the word "Internet" guardedly because I believe in another 18 months or so, we won't be using it at all.

当股市复苏时,大盘指数的阶段低点是逐步上升的,因此我对今秋的股票市场保持谨慎乐观。Rallies begin when stocks start posting higher lows, so I'm guardedly hopeful about stocks as we head into the fall.

金融危机使得很多人开始重新思考他们的优先权,而我则对于建立的新秩序很乐观。The scope of the financial tragedy has caused many to rethink their priorities, and I am guardedly optimistic that a new order will emerge.

因德国决策者继续淡化本周末峰会的预期,法国CDS价格不断攀升以及收益率差不断扩大,交易者继续持谨慎态度。Traders remain cautions as German policy makers continue to downplay expectations for this weekend summit. Trader are guardedly watching Frances CDS climbing and yield spreads widening.

只有社会开始更高效的使用水、人们坚持以社会公平为首的三大原则,这些趋势才会逆转,但所罗门对此表示谨慎乐观。Solomon is guardedly hopeful that these trends can be reversed if societies learn to use water more efficiently and if they adhere to 3 broad principles, the first and foremost being social equity.

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而肯萨斯州方面,布朗巴克对此保持着谨慎的乐观,他说停火谈判的必要性已经在他脑子里有一段时间了,这部法案为我们谈判提供了必要的条件。Over in Kansas, MrBrownback is guardedly optimistic. He says he has thought for some time that "ceasefirenegotiations" were needed, and that this bill is a "necessary condition for us to negotiate".

在国家政治动荡,当地经济形势受到关注的时期,奎因斯地区的公民对未来的生活质量持有一种谨慎的乐观态度——非常谨慎。During a period of political uncertainty at the national level and concern about the economy locally, Queens residents were guardedly optimistic about the quality of life in the future—very guardedly.