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经历癌症。Through cancer.

吸烟和癌.Smoking and Cancer.

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癌症夺走了许多人的生命。Cancer takes many lives.

1991年,兰登死于癌症。He died of cancer in 1991.

癌症使他变得很虚弱。He was devoured by cancer.

鼻癌是怎样产生的?。How does nose cancer arise?

能通过吃来饿死癌症吗?Can we eat to starve cancer?

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芒果汁可致癌…Mango juice prevents cancer.

吸烟人养的宠物也爱得癌。Smokers also love pet cancer.

最终她们都战胜了癌症。And then they all beat cancer.

恶性脂肪瘤会转癌吗?Can malign lipoma turn cancer?

他的父亲死于肺癌。Lung cancer killed his father.

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癌是一种恶性瘤。A cancer is a malignant tumour.

癌症是一种顽症。Cancer is a persistent ailment.

金属能帮助治疗癌症吗?Could Metals Help Treat Cancer?

巨蟹座是一个易动感情的星座。Cancer is a very emotional sign.

她告诉你她得了癌怔了吗?Did she tell you she had cancer?

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我嫉妒死于癌症的人。I envied people dying of cancer.

膀胱鳞癌可以治愈吗?Can be cystic scale cancer cured?

他因癌症缠身而日见衰弱无力。He seems to be dying from cancer.