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电手基本是电头疼痛的四倍。Electric hand is basic be electric head ache is fourfold.

电站附近的铯-134和铯-137含量也超过标准4倍以上。Levels of cesium-134 and cesium-137 rose nearly fourfold.

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统计学方法应用四格表确切概率法。The method of statistics was exact probabilities in fourfold table.

在过去20年,外国籍男性博士增加了一倍,女性却增加了四倍。In the past 20 years, Dr. foreign men has doubled, women have increased fourfold.

给出了一种对配对四格表进行一致性检验的检验方法。This paper provides a method to test the consistency of the paired fourfold table.

统计学方法采用四格表的确切概率法。The statistical method used for analysis was exact probabilities in fourfold table.

已有显示完整的椎间盘的外源交联在关节稳定性方面增加了四倍。Exogenous crosslinking of intact discs has shown a fourfold increase in joint stability.

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四倍分频器电路演化实验结果验证了该方法的可行性与有效性。Experiment of fourfold frequency divider proved the feasibility and validity of the method.

如果是这样,这个计划里的增速是目前洲际弹道导弹增度的四倍。If this is the case, the plans represent a fourfold increase in the rate of ICBM deployment.

这与去年相比,增长了三番,主要得益于日企在发展中国家市场销售额飙升。That is a fourfold increase from a year ago, and largely due to soaring sales in emerging markets.

其中一个例子就是,1991至2002年间,与酒精相关的死亡增长了三倍。One example is the fourfold increase in alcohol-related deaths that occurred between 1991 and 2002.

中国的有关部门早已告诉北京,明年中国的水费价将增长四倍。Chinese authorities have already told Beijing that the cost of water will increase fourfold next year.

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许多这些稀土矿产品的世界价格继去年翻两番之后,在2011年已翻了一倍。World prices for many of these minerals have doubled in 2011, on top of a fourfold increase last year.

金融服务公司抓紧时机,使得美国的共同基金上涨了四倍多。Financial-service firms made hay. The number of equity mutual funds in America rose more than fourfold.

五年后,研究人员发现这些女性患乳腺癌的风险达到了普通女性的四倍。After five years, those women had a fourfold higher risk than average women of developing breast cancer.

根据最近的一项来自Mayo医疗机构的研究,乳糜泻愈发广泛的流行,从50年代起至今,发病率已经翻了四倍。According to a recent Mayo Clinic study, the prevalence of celiac disease has increased fourfold from the 1950s.

从1940年至九零年提款的淡水河流,湖泊,水库和其他来源增加了四倍。From 1940 to 1990 withdrawals of fresh water from rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and other sources increased fourfold.

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在这段期间,载送的乘客数量增为原有的4倍,运送的货物量增为原有的10倍。During this period the number of passengers carried has grown fourfold and the quantity of good transported tenfold.

但在该片放映之后,对哈萨克斯坦的旅游咨询足足上升了四倍,索伦森观察说。Yet the country received a fourfold increase in tourist inquiries after the film was released, observes Mr Sorenson.

天则注意到,2001年至2009年期间,国有工业企业的利润增长了近四倍。Unirule noted that the profits of state-owned industrial companies had increased nearly fourfold between 2001 and 2009.