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中国的领导人中没有阿斗。China's leaders are no fools.

某些官僚把群众当阿斗。Some of the bureaucrats befooled the masses.

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只见一个人家,被火烧坏土墙,糜夫人抱着阿斗,坐于墙下枯井之傍啼哭。Lady Mi was holding Ah Dou and sitting at the base, near a dry well, weeping.

举例子她弟弟简直是个阿斗,名声很坏。Her younger brother is simply a good-for-nothing, with a dilapidated reputation.

认为中国足球这个扶不起的阿斗肯定不入您的慧眼。That China can not afford to help this football fools your eye into the affirmative.

赵云孤掌难鸣,只护得阿斗,安能移舟傍岸。Zilong was helpless. With Ah Dou in his arms, how could he shift the boat toward shore?

虽然它看起来像吸盘打赌的世纪,阿斗已开始排队抢购。Although it looks like the sucker bet of the century, the fools have been lining up to buy.

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但现在我却有点希望自己是小A那样的——文科方面是聪明绝顶的诸葛亮,理科方面却是扶也扶不起的阿斗。But now l hoped that -----i were the Zhu Geliang in liberal arts, but were Adou in science subjects.

而且恶战当中,小阿斗不但不哭,反而睡得香甜,试问哪个大男人有这样的本事?Furthermore, during the battle Ah Dou slept soundly during the battle, which guy can have this hold on babies?

“你养的?”他会养鹰吗?众人一致用怀疑的眼神看向某阿斗。"Do you keep?"Will he keep eagle?Is public to unanimously look with the see in the eyes of mistrust to some Dou.

其"花神"地位对后世阿斗寨地方花卉产业发展的影响至今犹存。The "flower god" affected a lot in developing flower industry prosperously for the later generations in the Adou Villege.

有许多阿斗认为低估了这些鬼,假设其强度足以媲美普通南瓜。There are many fools that have underestimated these ghosts by assuming that their strength is comparable to regular Pumpkins.

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当人们提出国家队是否有能力获得明年的世界杯冠军之时,英超联赛的国内球员水平就给人一种扶不起的阿斗的感觉。The standard of domestic football is tailing off just as the England team is being asked to rise to the challenge of the World Cup.

这分明是刘备无法用言语表?赵云对自己所奉献的感激,只好扔阿斗表示赵云的在他心目中的重要性。This shows that Liu Bei could not proclaim Zhao Yun's importance to him and his gratitude to him in words, hence the throwing of Ah Dou on the floor.

尽管中国声称资金雄厚的公司和个人赞助球队,但只要中国球队被认为是扶不起的阿斗,那就得不到许多赞助。Even though China now boasts wealthy companies and individuals who could sponsor teams, there is little support as long as Chinese teams are perceived as perennial losers.

许多人不知不觉中成为阿斗,成为帮凶,到自己也深受其害是才发觉周围已没有人再为自己呐喊了,华夏民族的悲哀。Many aren't aware that they've become fools and accomplices until they discover that there is no one around to yell for help when they are in trouble. This is the sadness of Chinese people.