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她是个巧言令色的说谎高手。She was a plausible liar.

巧言令色之友,是你最可怕的敌人。A flattering friend is your worse enemy.

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他是个巧言令色的人。He is man with artful speech and flashy manners.

然而在现实世界中,资本自由流动壁垒正在迅速增长。是政客在巧言令色?还是舌头本无骨?But back in the real world the barriers to the free flow of capital are rising fast.

但不清楚检察官将如何解读这些言语不一和巧言令色.It's unclear how prosecutors will interpret those discrepancies and turns of phrase.

你那套巧言令色的玩意只能骗骗那些没见过世面的笨蛋,在我面前你还是省省吧!Your tricks and words only can cheat the provincial fool. Don't waste your breathe to me.

第三种人没有采纳批评的诚意,只是巧言令色。The third type does not have the sincerity of accepting criticism, only paying lip service.

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任何巧言令色、任何外国单方面的行动都不能改变这一基本事实。No glib words or tricky actions can change this basic fact, nor can it be changed by any unilateral action by any foreign country.

任何巧言令色,外国任何单方面的行动,都不能改变这一基本事实。No glib words or tricky actions can change these basic facts, nor can it be changed by any unilateral action by any foreign country.

任何巧言令色,外国任何单方面的行动,都不能改变这一基本事实。No glib works or tricky actions can change these basic facts, nor can it be changed by any unilateral action by any foreign country.

人们应该学会如何从激烈的网络漩涡中剔除煽动性的巧言令色及宣传伎俩、并成为一个消息灵通且有独立见解的公民。One must learn to weed out incendiary polemics and agitprop from the whirling online maelstrom to become an informed and thoughtful citizen.

聪明的老板明白这样的流氓做法会得到报应——那就是公司最终被一群巧言令色而又无真才实学的职员拖垮。Smart bosses know that corporate bullies eventually get what they deserve--a staff of lickspittles whose lack of talent destroys the company.

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在与英美资本主义学家的争论中,一些巧言令色的人试图引用“生活质量”的概念来为较慢的经济增长辩护。Indebates with Anglo-American capitalists, wily bons vivants have tended to cite the idea of "quality of life"to excuse slower economic growth.

一系列小而繁琐的事情——巧言令色,细节,执行力,冷漠和模糊不清——最终削弱了他的任职。The answer is a series of smaller things—rhetoric, details, execution, even an aloof vagueness—that have cumulatively undermined his presidency.

当然,在1990年代,也就是福山发表论文的时代里,曾占据统治地位的那种巧言令色的必胜主义,如今已经无法主导达沃斯的讨论。To be sure, the Davos discussions are not characterized by the glib triumphalism which was so dominant in the 1990s, when Fukuyama’s essay appeared.

孔子一生不耻没气节或巧言令色的小人,但他尤其最痛恶与貌似恭谨的伪君子为伍。During his life Confucius loathed spineless, fawning sycophants, but he particularly detested being around those phony gentlemen who appeared respectable.

其中不乏法案技术细节的讨论,还有大量来自反对派的激烈而直白的,甚至是误导性的巧言令色。There’s been a lot of discussion about technical aspects of the bill, and a lot of heated – and frankly, sometimes misleading – rhetoric coming from opponents of reform.