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他几乎连头都没点一下。He barely nods.

我几乎没咽气。I hardly breathed.

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我几乎不认识你。I hardly know you.

惊恐完全慑服了我,使我几乎麻痹。Panic paralyzed me.

他几乎说不没话往。He can hardly speak.

他几乎是个傻瓜。He is all but a fool.

我几乎什么也没做。I did almost nothing.

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这几乎是成本价。It is almost at cost.

这几乎可说是搞偶像崇拜.It's almost cult-like.

鼬几乎笑了起来。Itachi nearly laughed.

她几乎要哭了。She was near to tears.

那个裁判几乎是瞎了眼。That referee is blind.

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他们几乎坐不住。They hardly sit still.

马德里几乎不下雪。En Madrid casino nieva.

我几乎不认得她了!I barely recognize her!

我几乎无法抬起它。I could hardly lift it.

几乎是吃午饭的时间了。It's nearly lunch-time.

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我几乎没吃过面包!I hardly ever eat bread!

我几乎每天玩。I play it almost vry day.

流行音乐几乎都是在鬼扯。Pop music is mostly crap.