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他是个博学的学者。He is a learned scholar.

哈哈哈,现在我可是博学了哟。Ha-ha, I am so informed now.

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现在他是一名博学的教授。Now he was a learned professor.

把我的愚拙提到博学的高度。As high as learning, my rude ignorance.

下船,爱侬路遇博学。On getting off the boat, Love met Knowledge.

几年后,乐羊子终于完成学业,成为一个博学的人。Several years later he became a learned man.

他的博学来自他的刻苦钻研。His erudition comes from his assiduous study.

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这种博学是极受赞赏和尊重的。Such erudition is greatly praised and honoured.

他非常博学,而且对我们很严格。He is very knowledgable and quite strict with us.

玄奘是一个博学多识、意志坚强的人。Xuanzang was a knowledgeable and strong-willed man.

他自以为有学问,摆出—副博学的样子。He fancied himself learned and assumed AIRS of erudition.

我们这类成功认识需要很博学。We high-achieving types are great consumers of knowledge.

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姥爷是个不单博学,还很诙谐地人。Grandpa is not only knowledgeable, but also very humorous.

博学令人钦佩,但它很少能导致杰作的产生。Erudition is admirable, but it seldom leads to masterpieces.

从前,有一位博学的老妇人,她住在后山。There was once a wise old woman who lived back in the hills.

第三件事是迈克尔是个相当博学的人。And the third thing was that Michael was extremely well-read.

那些博学多识的历史学家都教授文学。Those learned intellectual historians all profess literature.

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他们自以为有学问,摆出一副博学的样子。They fancied themselves learned and assumed airs of erudition.

调查证明他是一位深且广的博学。Investigation proved him to be a man of deep and broad erudition.

“你说得倒是挺轻巧,”我已故的、博学的父亲曾经这样说。"It's easy for you to say that, " my late, wise father once said.