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请告诉我你的介绍人。Tell me about your references.

你怎么认识这些介绍人的?How do you know these references?

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这是一个很好的介绍人组合。That is a good mix of references!

她的介绍人是奥尔良公爵。The Duc d'Orleans recommended her.

还加上要有两位介绍人。And there are always two introducers present.

你不能、也不应该要求介绍人帮你圆谎。You cannot and should not ask them to lie for you.

她是我的入党介绍人。She was my sponsor when I was applying for Party membership.

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介绍人可以转介另外的介绍人的层次,目前是四层。How many levels of introducers may introduce other introducers.

别把责任推给系统及介绍人或是部门指导师!Do not push the responsibility to the QSTR, the sponsor and the mentor!

要求仅仅需要提供介绍人的名字和联系信息?Is the request merely for a list of reference names and contact information?

我的介绍人包括2个以前的同事和一个私人朋友。My references includes two former business associates and one personal reference.

介绍人防地下车库通风与排烟系统控制设计思想。The design ideas of the control system for ventilation and smoke exhaust were presented.

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“这个,”嘉莉说,不知从何说起,“你能介绍人上台演戏吗?”"Well, " said Carrie, hesitating how to begin, "do you get places for persons upon the stage?"

我希望您能做我的介绍人帮助我开始新的事业。I am hoping that you will be able to provide me with a reference to help me jump-start my future.

我有好几位介绍人,他们能提供我的性格和工作习惯。I have several references who can provide you with information about my character and work habits.

不要担心,乔丹还是皮蓬计划中的介绍人,从合适的角度来考虑,这将是最完美的。No worries. Jordan is also Pippen's planned presenter. Viewed in its proper context, it could be no other way.

你们并不需要成为生死之交,但保持礼貌是关键的一步,尤其是如果这个介绍人是你的上级。You don't have to become best friends, especially if the reference is a superior, but being polite is a big step.

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在最近的聘牧委员会会议上,有个成员问了这样的一个问题,我们应该问介绍人哪些问题?In a recent pastoral search committee meeting, the members asked, "what kind of questions should we ask the references?"

接著,他们的客户每月从目录上订购产品,由美乐家来支付介绍人的佣金。Their customers order from the catalog each month and Melaleuca pays commissions to whoever gave the customer the catalog.

人们通常会犯这样的错误,通过感谢介绍人和表达他们在这的喜悦来开头。People often make the mistake of starting speeches by thanking the introducer or expressing their happiness at being there.