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他能自圆其说吗?Does he have a way out of it?

一些报道显然是在自圆其说。Some are apparently hiding in plain sight.

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这些模型在理论上能够自圆其说。The models are theoretically self-consistent.

由于吉拉最擅长自圆其说,因此关于无名机器人的故事主要来源于她。The tale is Jira's, for she is the best at spinning it.

罗琳必须想一个高明的籍口才能自圆其说。Rowling will have to think up something clever for this one.

鉴于科学家对气候变化的预期,这种旁观者的姿态实在难以自圆其说。In light of what scientists expect of climate change, that sideline stance is untenable.

在黑格尔的精神现象学,我们替「二者选一」这个疏离的驱力,找到自圆其说的正当理由。It is in Hegel that I have found a legitimate justification for the term alienating vel.

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当缺陷被修复和评审的时候,我们经常为缺陷自圆其说。When defects are triaged and reviewed, we often explain away the reasons for the defect.

非存在的空无是约定俗成的理解,我们这样的代替能自圆其说吗?Is it in any way legitimate to substitute for the proven apprehension of the non-existence?

否则的话,难免有自圆其说,夸大奇谈之嫌。Otherwise if, hard to avoid has justify oneself , the ill will of exaggerated absurd argument.

只要把事情搞大了,并且最终自圆其说,那就能达到最佳效果。Should do the business only big, and justify oneself finally, that can achieve optimal result.

蠢话很容易自圆其说,留下闲置的设备和工人,以及每况日下的税收。The rot could easily feed on itself, leaving equipment and workers idle, and depressing tax revenues.

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事实上,封闭的时间型曲线能让“在某个特定的时刻中的宇宙”不能自圆其说。Indeed, closed timelike curves can make it impossible to de-fine “the universe at one moment in time.”

以上我所提到的经典对立在这种特殊的条件下是很难自圆其说的。The classical opposition of which I was speaking above is even less justified in this particular case.

接受网站调查的许多男性受访者试图对他们缺乏内裤自圆其说。Many of the male respondents to the site's survey tried to justify the paucity of their underwear provision.

任何事,毫不夸张地说世上任何事,都能编进剧里。我们都能解释它为什么出现在剧里。也算是借口吧反正是能自圆其说。Anything, literally in the world can be tied into the show. And we have a built-in I guess an excuse for why it's here.

他又说,我们这种罪恶感很可能引导我们去选择某种低到学理上难以自圆其说的折现率。But, he says, such guilt feelings are likely to lead to the choice of a discount rate that is hard to justify intellectually.

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另外我对自己的口语是信心十足的,不管被问到什么问题,我都可以自圆其说。The second reason was that I showed great confidence in my spoken English. Whatever I was asked of, I could answer satisfactorily.

法益衡量说在理论设计上存在的缺陷,使得结果无价值论在刑法解释上难以自圆其说。There are some defects in the theory of balance of legal interest, which makes it difficult to interpret problems of criminal law.

哎,人类的大脑总是趋向于自圆其说,把极端复杂的宇宙事件证明成那只能是“上帝”能够做到的。Alas, the human brain tends to rationalize extremely complex cosmological events as being proof that only "a God" could have done it.