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可是,安德烈迅速地用枪托将杰克打倒。Yet Andre quickly cold-cocks Jack.

他们用枪托将他打死。They clubbed him to death with their rifles.

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我的可以装下,但是盖不住。还有就是枪托太松。When I die bury me upside down so the world can kiss my ass!

在IPSC的竞赛中,可分离式的枪托是被禁止的。Detachable shoulder stocks are prohibited in IPSC competition.

军队使用催泪瓦斯和枪托驱散示威者。Troops used tear gas and rifle butts to break up the protests.

当枪托一拿掉,他的脸又重新扑落到左边。When the butt was removed the face flopped back over to the left.

她生前很可能试图反抗,凶手用9毫米半自动手枪的枪托猛击其头骨,造成头骨骨折。As a result, the killer bashed her skull in with the butt of a 9-mm.

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简单的枪托是由钢丝和褶皱的枪的左侧。Simple buttstock is made from steel wire and folds to the left side of gun.

那些游击队员立刻转回踢那小男孩,并且用步枪枪托打他。In an instant the guerillas were kicking and beating him with their rifle butts.

聚合物的家具,包括前轮的抓地力和一个侧面折叠金属枪托。The furniture included polymer front grip and a side-folding metallic buttstock.

武器也带上了各自的编号——Bukatwa手中的步枪在木质枪托上就印着编号“309”。Weapons carry individual numbers – Bukatwa's rifle had "309" painted on the wooden stock.

枪托的冲撞把那房子震得一片响,但是那扇门纹丝不动。The blows from the butt end of the gun made the house tremble, but did not shake the door.

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按枪身有没有枪托可分为有托枪和无托枪。Has the butt according to the barrel to divide into has on guard and does not have on guard.

一些好奇者偷偷走前几步,但警卫立即跑了出去,用枪托把他们赶回去。A curious few sneaked forward before a guard ran out and beat them back with the butt of his rifle.

坚固的骷髅枪托是由印钢铁和褶皱的左侧时,没有必要的。Sturdy skeletonized buttstock is made from stamped steel and folds to the left side when not needed.

收集雨水利用水枪托和一个园丁的手泵喷雾器喷洗到你的自行车是免费的。Collect rainwater in water butts and use a gardener's hand pump sprayer to jet wash your bike for free.

倒下的士兵的头盔取决于武器的枪托,屏蔽,因为它曾经做过他的背影。The fallen soldier's helmet rests on the weapon's buttstock, shielding it as it once did his silhouette.

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这是列万特的继罗马老枪托马西之后的又一收获。This is their second Serie A coup, having already snapped up Roma veteran Tommasi earlier in the summer.

无线电里来不及报告,那肯定是突发事件,但怎么又会留下个断枪托?Too late report in wireless, that affirmation is sudden affairs, but how leave to break a butt end again?

“住口!”一个红帽子用毛瑟抢枪托敲打着被子吼道。“别吵,贵族分子。”"Silence! " growled a red-cap, striking at the coverlet with the butt-end of his musket. "Peace, aristocrat! "