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限制你的博客的成功的唯一原因是你的固步自封。The only limits to your blog’s success are self-imposed.

但前进并不意味着固步自封或掉以轻心。But moving on should not mean turning inward or dropping its guard.

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这些都可以成为企业固步自封于舒适区的籍口。These can be excuses for staying within our corporate comfort zone.

人天生有种惰性,没有竞争就会固步自封,躺在功劳簿上睡大觉。People are born with an inert, no competition will rest on its laurels, rest on our laurels.

关起门来,固步自封,夜郎自大,是发达不起来的。China cannot develop by closing its door, sticking to the beaten track and being self-complacent.

如果人类仍旧固步自封,那么社会政策的作用无异于困住猿人的笼子。If human behaviour is unreformable , social policy can only ever be about trying to cage the ape within.

在商业领域,如果你固步自封,让思想难以改变、传播、产生影响,那就输定了。In business, if you lock down ideas, make them difficult to change and spread and have impact, you fail.

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“创新”在2008年死掉了。它的死亡是由于滥用、错用、狭隘主义、渐进主义,以及固步自封。"Innovation" died in 2008, killed off by overuse, misuse, narrowness, incrementalism and failure to evolve.

他们是固步自封的丧气的并且不能动员他们的能力去过自己想要的生活。They are sealed and disempowering in their place in not mobilizing their energy to live the life they dream.

现在,这个“平坦地球协会”俨然是无视科学、固步自封的代名词了。The Flat Earth Society has become a byword for sticking your head in the sand, whatever the scientific facts.

在历史文化问题上妄自菲薄或者固步自封,都是错误的。It is improper to underestimate our capabilities or refuse to make any progress in historic and cultural issues.

一个人评价自己时,总是可以固步自封,套上世俗的面具,他才会以真面目示人。"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth. " Oscar wilde.

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现在的湖人在NBA呈现出了固步自封和摇摇欲坠之势,杰克逊选择了一个很好的时间继续生活。With the current Lakers squad poised for a shakeup and a lockout looming in the NBA, Jackson chose a good time to move on.

换句话说,我们总是试着帮助他,因为如果你告诉他他干得不错的话,他就会固步自封。In other words, we always tried to help him improve because if you are telling him he's doing everything well, he won't improve.

停止创新就意味着落后,自我满足和固步自封会使一个智慧的民族陷于停顿,停止发展。Innovative means to stop the backward, self-satisfied and complacent wisdom of a nation will come to a halt, halt the development.

一种艺术没有交流,没有传播,固步自封,抱残守缺,最终结果只能是自生自灭。Not an art exchange, there is no communication, rest on its laurels, sticks to the final result can only be left to their own devices.

因此,我的结论是,即使你在工作中取得了巨大的进步,你也没有任何理由固步自封。So my conclusion is that even if one has made great progress in what he does, I don't think there's any reason for him to be conceited.

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但高校学科带头人担任领导职务,牵扯精力,“学术权威”又使年轻科研人员固步自封。But academic leaders assume headship and deplete energy. "Academic authority" makes young researchers stuffy. It causes researchers fault.

一个人永远不要固步自封,而要面对世界,去探索人们应如何应对世事变迁。Never should a man stay in a closed-door room. You should explore the universe to see how men are coping with the events of changing times.

德育方法改革相对滞后和德育工作者长期以固步自封、因循守旧是导致网络冲击校园时中小学德育工作全线溃败的重要原因。The behind moral education and the pedagogue' s stuffiness and lockstep is an important cause that results in defeat of the moral education.