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但人们使用均值的用意何在?But do people mean by mean ?

我终于明白了他的用意。I tumbled to his intention.

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所有的这些故事的用意是什么?The point of all these stories?

但人们使用均值的用意何在?But what do people mean by mean ?

这也是拙稿的用意。This is the intention of my paper.

读者诸君想必知道我用意所在。My readers know what I’m getting at.

没有人能理解他用意何在。Nobody could dope out what he meant.

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请告诉我,他用意何在。Please tell me what he is aiming at?

我有时候也弄不清你的用意。I cannot sense your meaning sometimes.

是的,你问我这些话用意何在?It is. Why do you ask such a question?

他讲这寓言故事是有用意的。He had some motive in telling this fable.

我简直揣摩不透他的用意。I simply couldn't figure out his intention.

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我知道上帝有他英名的用意。I am sure he keeps nothing from me but this.

解放宣言的用意何在?What did the Emancipation Proclamation udo ?

这是夸张的讲法,但我这么说有其用意。I'm exaggerating but I do so to make a point.

对不起,我不明白你用意何在?I'm sorry, I don't see what you're driving at.

这就是我们的“发展之门”网站的用意。This is the intent of the Development Gateway.

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我不知总统的这篇演说用意何在。I wonder what lay behind the president's speech.

他们对那本书大加赞扬有他们自己的用意。They cried up the book for reasons of their own.

有人舔着笑脸,用意明显之极。Someone licks smiling face, direction manifest pole.