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日语中的“义理”用英文怎么说?。How do you say "giri"English?

日语中的“义理”用英文怎么说?How do you say “giri” in English?

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而这种义理是我们观察自然运行得到的启示。The principle enlightens us when we observe the operation of Nature.

其对于道学义理之发扬,则是存乎注文、传文当中,未尝敢凌驾于经典圣言之上。He propagates the truth in the annotated text, doesn't dare to surmount the classics.

其次,从研究方法看,道学是义理之学。Second, seen from the method of research, Neo-Confucianism is an " argumentative philosophy".

“一本圆融”体现了程颢哲学的特色,也是程颢所体贴出的儒家义理。The ideal realm is the feature of Cheng Hao's philosophy, and is the real meaning of Confucian.

戴震不满二者学术各有偏废,于是将“制数”与“义理”结合起来,创建了一种融二者于一体的“新理学”。So he combined the logos with the philology and set up his own "New Neo-philosophysm" philosophy s.

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相对于今文经学和经学义理学,其本质特征是经学义理学。In comparison with Jinwen Classics-Learning and Yili learning, its feature is Yili Clas- sics Learning.

如果不计“义理巧克力”,变小前的新一在情人节会收到多少巧克力?。How many Valentine's Day chocolates would Shinichi, before he was shrunk, receive, excluding Giri-choco?

戴震不满二者学术各有偏废,于是将“制数”与“义理”结合起来,创建了一种融二者于一体的“新理学”。So he combined the logos with the philology and set up his own "New Neo-Confucianism" philosophy system.

这个体系不以古文的文学性为旨归,而是靠古文的“义理”来维系的。This system does not aim to the Literariness of ancient articles, but to the Moral principle to maintain.

戴震兼擅义理与考据,在乾嘉学术史上独树一帜。Dai Zhen was a unique scholar during the Qian- Jia time, who was expert at textual research and argumentation.

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从人格精神的角度分析墨子思想,挖掘墨子人格精神的义理根据,以此弥补这方面的空缺。For making up the lacking part, Mozi's idea is explained and his argumentation id dug out from his personality.

他的经学研究特点鲜明,主张“以训话明义理”,提倡把经典内容的考据和义理思想的探究并重。His study has distinct traits and he advocates the combination of textual research with critical interpretation.

把佛经内容绘成图画,目的是为了帮助信众明白佛教义理。Sutras' Cartoon transfer words to graphs and makes the profound principles of Buddha-dharma easier to be understood.

在荀学义理研究方面,马克思主义学者开拓出荀学研究的新方法。In the terms of the righteous and reason of the studies of XunZi, Marxims created the new ways of the studies of XunZi.

从姚鼐“义理、考据、辞章”说中,我们可以窥见一套完整的写作理论。We can espy a set of complete writing theory from the"moral principles, textual criticism, poetry and prose"by Yao Nai.

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其三,义理史学在元明清三代成为阻碍历史研究发展的官方史学思想体系。Third, it acted as an governmental ideal system in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, which impeded the research of history.

它主要通过以佛教义理对现代科学的诠解,实现佛教在科学时代的宗教功能。Through the interpretation of modern science by Buddhist theory, Buddhism realizes its religious function in the scientific era.

养生汉画像石是汉文化的重要组成部分,体达着“下根”之人对于道教义理的认识和选择。Health-preserving stone relief is an important part in Han dynasty culture. It reflected humble people's understanding on Daoism.