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病程为持续性加重。Course of diseases is durative accentuation.

所有组别的感冒病程均为大约6-7天。Colds lasted about six to seven days in all groups.

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这类疾病的病程较长,并且通常情况下病程发展缓慢。They are of long duration and generally slow progression.

这两种药物可以缩短病程和减轻症状。The drugs can shorten the length of the disease and its severity.

就死亡病例而言,病程平均两天。For fatal cases, the course of illness takes an average of two days.

我已经说过我患有慢性疾病,它的病程持续一生。I've been told that I have a chronic illness, which has a lifelong course.

黄热病很难诊断,尤其是在病程初期。Yellow fever is difficult to diagnose, especially during the early stages.

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分析糖尿病病程、IGF-2、骨量以及空腹C肽水平之间的关系。The associations among the levels of IGF-2, C-peptide and BMD were analyzed.

黄疸和搔痒可能要到病程的相当晚期﹐有节段性胆管梗阻时才出现。They may also appear as a spongy friable mass in the lumen of the bile duct.

结果病程长,反复出血是小肠血管畸形的临床特征。Results The clinical characteristics of IVMF were long course and hemorrhage.

误诊原因主要是对诊断CVA的认知不足,忽视对病程的全面分析。The causes lie in short of understanding of CVA, ignorance of overall analysis.

急性型球虫病病程较短,数日至二、三周死亡。Acute type coccidiosis short course of disease, a few days to two or three weeks.

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平均动脉压在整个病程中与肾皮质血流无显著相关。There was no correlation between artery blood pressure and RCBF or urinary protein.

病程较长,咽下困难发展至一定程度即不再加重。Longer course, dysphagia developed to a certain extent that is no longer aggravated.

罂粟碱用药无剂量依赖关系,与个体敏感性和阳萎病程有关。The dose of papaverine depended on individual sensitivity and the course of disease.

光化性角化病病程发展缓慢,按年计算,常常在老年人身上初次发现。An actinic keratosis takes years to develop, usually first appearing in older adults.

病变早期为小结节状,晚期形成侵蚀性溃疡,病程缓慢,很少转移。Its shape changes from small nodule in the early stage to erosive ulcer in the later.

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阳性结果与病程的长短及阴阳性症状之间无明显相关关系。Meanwhile, it was not related to duration of illness, negative and positive symptoms.

残疾程度随病程的延长、SANS评分的增高而加重。The deformity level was becomed severe by lengthened ill time and higher of SANS grade.

研究者报道,所有流感测试阳性的婴儿都有较好的临床病程。All influenza-positive infants had a favorable clinical course, the investigators report.