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整天都是大晴天。Are big sunny day.

整天进进出出。In and out all day.

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风暴整天不息。It stormed all day.

整天都是大晴天。It is sunny all day.

他整天都在同爷爷一起钓鱼。He's his grandpa the.

母鸡整天啄来啄去。The hen pecks all day.

他整天散散。He lazes about all day.

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整天都在神的慈爱中。And all the day be love.

别整天吊儿郎当无所事事。Don't lie about all day.

他整天作画或读书。He painted or read all day.

啊是的。整天进进出出。Oh yes! In and out all day.

她昨天整天待在家里。She stayed at home all day.

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其实出国旅游办签证你有一个整天的观光吗?。Do you have a full-day tour?

她今天整天都牙痛。She's had toothache all day.

那农民整天犁地。The farmer ploughed all day.

我整天都被工作缠着。I am tied to my work all day.

昨日整天刮大风下大雨。It stormed all day yesterday.

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这位老妇整天喋喋不休。The old woman gabbed all day.

他整天闷闷不乐地呆在屋里。He moped in the house all day.

喜鹊整天在喳喳叫。The magpies call all day long.