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众院能有投票权的众议员有多少位?The House of Representatives has how many voting members?

参院版的法案和众院版的法案,有百分之九十以上是一样的。The Senate bill, the House bill, the overlap is 90-plus percent.

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不过,有没有空间,在众院中,使他们进入下一个。However, there is no room in the house so they move onto the next one.

内阁的见解不能使众院绝大多数满意。The Gabinet's view did not sit well with a vast majority in the House.

詹姆斯?克来伯恩担任多数党党鞭,在众院民主党人中排行老三。James Clyburn is majority whip, the third-ranking Democrat in the chamber.

议案能够小取众院并不意味着也能闯过参议院这一关。A narrow victory in the House is not necessarily a harbinger of success in the Senate.

众院的共和党人和一些民主党人也都抱怨说,美联储已经拥有了过多的权力。House Republicans, and some Democrats, complain that the Fed already has too much power.

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法案轻易在众院通过,有一百五十三名民主党议员和一百三十六名共和党议员投了赞成票。The bill was easily passed by the House, with 153 Democrats and 136 Republicans voting aye.

赖特成为一个未知因素。众院议长从未遭遇过这种尴尬局面。Wright provides an x-factor. The speaker of the House has never been in this sort of predicament.

自民党议员小野寺五典26日在众院预算委员会会议上指出了这一事实。LDP lawmakers Onodera Five Code 26 in the House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting on this fact.

该提案已于本周二晚在参院通过,但还需提交众院批准。The legislation, passed by the Senate on Tuesday night, still has to be approved by the House of Representatives.

有专家认为,美众院将油价上涨的板子打在欧佩克身上,显然打错了地方。Some experts say that, apparently, the whip toward OPEC for the rise of oil price is wrongly oriented by the US House.

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而这一天也有颂扬之辞。最后布莱尔先生对他在众院的同事表示了赞扬。Yet on this day there were also tributes. And in the end Mr. Blair also paid tributes to his colleagues in the House of Commons.

奥巴马称这项提案是"我们最急迫挑战的重要头期款,"并赞扬众院动作迅速.Obama called the proposal "a significant downpayment on our most urgent challenges" and praised the House for moving ahead quickly.

美国会众院有关决议案对第23条立法说三道四是毫无道理的,也是徒劳的。The US House of Representatives has no justification for making irresponsible comments on the Article 23 legislation. It is a futile attempt.

美国众院武装力量委员会安排十月五日的听证,评估美国对中国稀土元素的军事依赖情况。The House Armed Services Committee has scheduled a hearing on Oct. 5 to review the American military dependence on Chinese rare earth elements.

在今天华盛顿的众院财经委的证词里说,美联储做好相应经济发展的准备以适时调整货币政策。The Federal Reserve remains prepared to respond should economic developments indicate that an adjustment of monetary policy would be appropriate.

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9月29日救助计划因选民们对“赌场资本主义”的痛恨而遭到众院拒绝,这个消息让投资者陷入一片恐慌之中。After the plan's thrashing by the House of Representatives on September 29th, spurred on by voters' loathing of “casino capitalism”, investors panicked.

在共和党的支持下,众院于上月19日通过总额610亿美元的削减财政支出法案。In support of the Republican Party, House of Representatives last month, 19 total 61 billion U. S. dollars through the reduction of fiscal spending bill.

两周后,法尔孔和雷恩斯面对面坐到了众院资本市场分委员会的听证会上,主持会议的是贝克。Two weeks later Falcon and Raines faced off against each other in a hearing before the House subcommittee on capital markets, which was chaired by Baker.