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照这个方向走。Go in this direction.

为什么会改变学习方向了?What made you change?

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我必须向哪儿方向转?Which way must I turn?

风有风的方向。Wind is wind direction.

好的,那是什么方向?Fine, in what direction?

方向错了吗?Is this direction wrong?

这是方向上的改变。C. A change in direction.

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热是朝这个方向流动的。Heat is flowing this way.

他们是如何掉转方向的?How did they turn around?

我想着,就向家的方向走回去。I think, to go back home.

你专攻什么方向?What do you specialize in?

方向的分力。,the,y,component。,这是x方向的。y This is the x component.

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它沿着那个方向延伸,It stretches over that way,

这个方向旋转。Spinning in this direction.

往哪个方向改?Which direction is changed?

那么你们应朝那个方向走。Then you should go that way.

我们一般从不看南来的方向。We never tend to look south.

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向海的地方或方向。A seaward place or direction.

世尊认为他们都是走错了方向。Buddha didn't think it right.

这里我指的是,你明白你们找不到方向了。I mean, you know you're lost.