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苍茫红尘,今昔你在哪里?The vast world of mortals, and where are you?

美国今昔最大的变化是什么?What's The Biggest Difference Between America Then and Now?

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今昔的运动区别仅仅在于技术。The only difference between campaigning then and now is the technology.

图为北京航空食品有限公司今昔对比。The picture shows the past and present Beijing Airlines Food Co. , Ltd.

我像很多来访者一样,被今昔的变化所震撼。And I was struck, as many visitors are, by the transformation that had taken place.

人来人往的热闹场面会让你“不知今昔是何昔”。The bustling scene of people coming and going will make you "do not know past and present was Dr Xi."

我认为,阿拉伯人,无论今昔,都有冷静乐观的理由。But I would argue that there is cause for sober optimism in both the Arab present and in the Arab past.

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第三章对工笔人物画的发展做今昔对比。The third chapter makes the comparison of past and present to the exquisite brush portrait's development.

而时空背景转换到今昔后,我认为佛教在尼泊尔变的非常重要。Last year, when I traveled to many places in Nepal , I saw that people really appreciated Buddhist teachings.

第四章探讨“今昔对比”对中国工笔人物画创作的指导意义。The fourth chapter discusses the purpose of"comparison of past and present"to the creation of Chinese exquisite brush portrait.

对我们关心我们的现在与未来,于历史上的针砭,我们不会由于技能、血统、等不同条件或今昔不同的合法地位的承认的限制而感觉受到恐吓。We do not feel threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, or they of various ts of different traditions.

你可以总是停止所有在科学,技术发展和承建未来的投资,试图去弥补昨日或者今昔的问题。You can always stop all investments in science, technology development and building the future, and try to fix yesterdays and todays problems.

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我们希望本次展览能够帮助英国人民以及世界其他地区的人民了解中国的今昔。We hope that the exhibition will help the British people and people from other parts of the world learn about the past and the present of China.

非语言讯息领域的专家们将对人们在今昔那些历史标志性时刻的录像片段作出解析,揭示他们真正要表达的是什么。Experts in non-verbal signals will deconstruct video footage of people from iconic moments in history, past and present, to reveal what was truly being said.

对我们关心我们的现在与未来,于历史上的针砭,我们不会由于技能、血统、等不同条件或今昔不同的合法地位的承认的限制而感觉受到恐吓。We do not feel threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, or the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions.

我国期货市场发展历程中的萧条和繁荣都归因于期货业今昔具体法制环境的不同。In the course of developing Chinese futures market, both stagnancy and flourish on it attribute to the different legal environment of the present from the past.

常用今昔对比、边关闺阁对举、超越时空等表现手法,表达丰富的情思内涵,对后世诗歌和其他艺术都产生了深远的影响。In addition, the poetic devices of contrasts of time and place for expression of the abundant affection have also resulted in the far-reaching influences upon the poetry and arts.

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以量化研究分析「公众认知」的今昔不同,藉此来观察作品于今天、未来可能的价值。Furthermore, the quantitative data analysis compares the difference in public perception in both the present and the past. It explores the value of the statue now and in the future.

本文从棋子湾良好的原生态、原生态的恶化和保护棋子湾生态的紧迫性等三个层面,探讨棋子湾的今昔生态。This article explores the ecology in Qiziwan of the past and present in such three aspects as good primary ecology, its deterioration and the urgency of protecting ecology in Qiziwan.

最初人们把这归咎在一头牛身上,事故是因为它踢翻灯笼而引起,虽然最后被否认,但从中也可看出城市今昔的巨大变化。Although the initial account that blamed this fire on a cow kicking over a lantern was later disavowed, the fact this story was even plausible suggests how different cities used to be.