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女神啊,照亮我的道路!Gode light my path!

女神啊,照亮我的道路!Godess light my path!

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愿月神照亮我的路!Godess light my path !

灯光照亮着广场。Lights lamped the square.

灯光照亮著广场。Lights lamped the square.

月光照亮了田野。The moon kindled the field.

月光照亮了记忆。The moonbeam shines my memory.

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它们能照亮房间和心灵。They brighten rooms and faces.

一道惨白的蓝光就照亮了小路。A pale blue glow filled the lane.

它照亮了奉献者的内心。It illumines the devotee's heart.

月光照亮了记忆。The moonbeam lights up my memory.

他的微笑照亮了整个世界。His smile illumines all the world.

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汽灯照亮了帐篷。The pressure lamp lit up the tent.

这灯把小屋又照亮了一点。This lamp lightens the room a bit.

太阳升上高空照亮了整个大地the sun rises to brighten the land

希望是用灯照亮的耐心。Hope is patience with the lamp lit.

五支蜡烛照亮了卧室。Five candles lighted up the bedroom.

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只为照亮你过往的萍踪。Live but to light your passing feet.

这一回,火柴把周围全照亮了。This time, the match lighted around.

但当月光照亮他们的空洞But when the moon their hollows lights